
Python Library for GOLOS

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

thallid-golos - Python Library for GOLOS

Thallid-Golos библиотека для блокчейна Golos




Поддерживает broadcast следующих операций

  • vote
  • comment
  • transfer
  • transfer_to_vesting
  • withdraw_vesting
  • set_withdraw_vesting_route
  • account_create
  • account_update
  • account_witness_vote
  • account_witness_proxy
  • custom_json
  • comment_options
  • change_recovery_account
  • delegate_vesting_shares
  • account_create_with_delegation
  • account_metadata
  • delegate_vesting_shares_with_interest
  • claim
  • donate
  • transfer_to_tip
  • transfer_from_tip
  • create_invite
  • claim_invite
  • account_create_with_invite

Используется broadcast_transaction_synchronous и функция возвращает tx транзакции добавляя в нее номер блока и trx_id

Usage examples


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

url = 'https://golos.id/solox/@ddd-005/top-week-received-vesting-shares-golos-15-09-2019'
voters = ['ksantoprotein']
weight = 10000		#100%
wif = '5...'

b4.vote(url, weight, voters, wif)


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

title = 'test'
body = 'test'
author = 'ksantoprotein'
wif = '5...'

b4.post(title, body, author, wif)

# comment
url = 'https://golos.id/thallid/@ksantoprotein/test-1568630110'
b4.post(title, body, author, wif, url=url)

# differ optional
# category = ''
# permlink = ''
# tags = []
# beneficiaries = 'login:10000'


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

to = 'thallid'
amount = '0.001'
asset = 'GOLOS'
memo = 'test'
from_account = 'ksantoprotein'
wif = '5...'

b4.transfer(to, amount, asset, from_account, wif, memo=memo)

# [to, amount, asset, memo]
raw_ops = [[to, amount, 'GOLOS', 'test GOLOS'], [to, amount, 'GBG', 'test GBG']]

b4.transfers(raw_ops, from_account, wif)


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

to = 'thallid'
amount = '1.000'
from_account = 'ksantoprotein'
wif = '5...'

rate = 2500

b4.transfer_to_vesting(to, amount, from_account, wif)
b4.delegate_vesting_shares(to, amount, from_account, wif)
b4.delegate_vesting_shares_with_interest(to, amount, from_account, rate, wif)

b4.withdraw_vesting(from_account, amount, wif)


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

login = 'test'
password = 'test'
creator = 'ksantoprotein'
wif = '5...'
invite = '5...'

b4.account_create(login, password, creator, wif)
b4.account_create_with_delegation(login, password, creator, wif)
b4.account_create_with_invite(invite, login, password, creator, wif)


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

account = 'ksantoprotein'
password = 'test'
wif = '5...'		#owner

b4.account_update_password(account, password, wif)


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

recovery_account = 'ksantoprotein'
account = 'toto-cosmos'
wif = '5..'			#owner

b4.change_recovery_account(account, recovery_account, wif)


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

account = 'ksantoprotein'
json_metadata = {"profile": {
		"profile_image": 'av_543.gif',
		"name": 'ProName',
		"about": 'VolSU',
		"gender": 'male',
		"location": 'Volgograd',
		"website": 'https://golos.id/@sci-populi',
		"pinnedPosts": [],
wif = '5...'		#posting

b4.account_metadata(account, json_metadata,  wif)


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

from_account = 'thallid'
to_account = 'ksantoprotein'
wif = '5..'			#active

b4.set_withdraw_vesting_route(from_account, to_account, wif)

# differ optional
# to_vest = True


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

account = 'thallid'
witness = 'ksantoprotein'
proxy = 'ksantoprotein'
wif = '5..'			#active

b4.account_witness_vote(account, witness, wif)
b4.account_witness_proxy(account, proxy, wif)


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

initiator = 'ksantoprotein'
receiver = 'thallid'
amount = 1.000
wif = '5..'			#active

b4.transfer_to_tip(initiator, receiver, amount, wif)
b4.transfer_from_tip(initiator, receiver, amount, wif)


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

initiator = 'ksantoprotein'
receiver = 'thallid'
amount = 100.000
wif = '5..'			#active
public_invite_key = 'GLS...'
private_invite_key = '5...'

b4.create_invite(initiator, amount, public_invite_key, wif)
b4.claim_invite(initiator, receiver, private_invite_key, wif)


from tgolosbase.api import Api

b4 = Api()

initiator = 'ksantoprotein'
receiver = 'thallid'
amount = 100.000
wif = '5..'			#posting
public_invite_key = 'GLS...'
private_invite_key = '5...'

b4.claim(initiator, receiver, wif)
b4.donate(initiator, receiver, amount, wif)

# differ optional
#balance = amount
#memo = {"app": ..., "version": ..., "target": ..., "comment": ...}