Mojaloop published Helm Repo:
Refer to Helm docs for more information:
- Deploy specific chart
helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> --repo= <chart_name>
e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev --repo= centralledger
- Deploy specific chart overriding values
helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> --repo= -f <values_file> <chart_name>
e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev --repo= -f ./values.yaml centralledger
Refer to the following default chart config file for values:<chart_name>/values.yaml
- Deploy Mojaloop componenets
Warning: This will deploy all charts.
helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> --repo= mojaloop
e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev --repo= mojaloop
- Deploy Ingress
helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> --repo= ingress-nginx
e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=kube-public --name=<release-name> --repo= ingress-nginx
This procedure assumes that you have VirtualBox, Minikube, kubectl and helm installed appropriately.
Clean install, in case you had another minikube before. Remember that Minikube is installed in the user's home.
minikube stop
minikube delete
rm -rf .kube/
rm -rf .minikube/
rm -rf .helm/
The memory should be in multiples of 1024
minikube start --memory 9216 --cpus 4
In case you are behind a proxy, pass the environment variables like this:
minikube start --docker-env http_proxy=$http_proxy --docker-env https_proxy=$http_proxy --docker-env HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy --docker-env HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy --docker-env no_proxy= --docker-env NO_PROXY= --memory 9216 --cpus 4
To see the pods status, once they are created proceed with:
kubectl get po --all-namespaces
It's very likely that the dashboard will throw an error (at least on binaries from GNU/Linux), for that matter do:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding kube-system-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default
Now we install Tiller
helm init
Generally the embedded ingress is disabled, better to leave it that way. In case is enable, disable it with:
minikube addons disable ingress
Finally we install the Mojaloop
helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev --repo= mojaloop
Then we install the Ingress from the Mojaloop project with the rbac.create flag Here the release name I put "moja" arbitrarily, special attention on this with permissions below
helm install --debug --namespace=kube-public --name=moja --repo= ingress-nginx --set rbac.create=true
Now some permissions in order to Ingress run successfully
kubectl -n kube-public create sa nginx-ingress-controller
kubectl apply -f
kubectl -n kube-public apply -f
kubectl -n kube-public create rolebinding nginx-ingress-controller --role=nginx-ingress-controller --serviceaccount=kube-public:nginx-ingress-controller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding nginx-ingress-controller --clusterrole=nginx-ingress-controller --serviceaccount=kube-public:nginx-ingress-controller
kubectl -n kube-public patch rc/moja-ingress-nginx-controller -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"serviceAccountName": "nginx-ingress-controller"}}}}'
We re-create the ingress pod
kubectl -n kube-public delete po -l app=moja-ingress-nginx-controller
Wait a while, and everything should be running
kubectl get po --all-namespaces
You might want to have access to the interop-switch, you can go through ingress or directly to the interop-switch changing his type ClusterIP to NodePort, with:
kubectl edit svc dev-interop-switch --namespace=mojaloop
Show the port assigned to the service
minikube service list
helm upgrade --debug <release-name> --repo= <chart_name>
e.g. helm upgrade --debug dev --repo= centralenduserregistry
Note: Please ensure that you update the Chart dependencies in the order show below.
helm dep up centralkms
helm dep up forensicloggingsidecar
helm dep up centralledger
helm dep up centralhub
helm dep up mockpathfinder
helm dep up centralenduserregistry
helm dep up centraldirectory
helm dep up centralsettlement
helm dep up central
helm dep up ml-api-adapter
helm dep up interop-switch
helm dep up mojaloop
We are quitely waiting on recursive updates: helm/helm#2247
Alternatively please use the helper script sh ./
This script will ensure the correct order is maintained.
- Deploy specific chart
helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> <chart_directory>
e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev ./centralledger
- Deploy mojaloop componenets
Warning: This will deploy all charts.
helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> ./mojaloop
e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=mojaloop --name=dev ./mojaloop
- Deploy Ingress
helm install --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> ./kube-public/ingress-nginx
e.g. helm install --debug --namespace=kube-public --name=<release-name> ./kube-public/ingress-nginx
helm upgrade --debug <release-name> <chart_directory>
e.g. helm upgrade --debug dev ./centralenduserregistry/
- Add the following to your hosts file and ensure you have installed Ingress Controller on your Kubernetes Cluster:
<ip-of-k8s-node-ingress> interop-switch.local central-kms.local forensic-logging-sidecar.local central-ledger.local central-end-user-registry.local central-directory.local central-hub.local central-settlement.local ml-api-adapter.local
If your running Minikube, you can use the following cmd to discover your <ip-of-k8s-node-ingress>
minikube ip
- Curl Health End-points for Central Ledger http://central-ledger.local/admin/accounts
curl http://central-ledger.local/health
curl http://central-ledger.local/admin/health
Expected output:
- Confirm Central Ledger DB Connectivity
curl http://central-ledger.local/admin/accounts
Expected output:
- Open the Central Management Hub in your browser
Check to see that an account name "LedgerName" is displayed
helm del --purge <release-name>
e.g. helm del --purge dev
- Execute a dry-run to display all the Kubernetes deployment files
helm install --dry-run --debug --namespace=<namespace> --name=<release-name> <chart_directory>
- Use Helm Linter to check for any issues
helm lint --strict <chart_directory>
1.) Deploy Ingress
This will deploy a new Ingress Nginx Controller with TCP and HTTP Ingress
sh -r lb -e -o ./config-ingress.yaml
2.) Undeploy Ingress
sh -r lb -e
1.) Deploy Central
This will deploy a new Ingress Nginx Controller with TCP and HTTP Ingress
sh -r dev -e -o ./config-central.yaml
2.) Undeploy Central
sh -r dev -e
1.) Package charts
Package all charts, and created an index.yaml in ./repo directory