
Simple kinit wrapper to update Kerberos ticket periodically for long running application.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Kerberos Ticket Manager

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Simple kinit wrapper to update Kerberos ticket periodically for long running application.

Getting Started

Periodical kerberos ticket update

from krbticket import KrbTicket

ticket = KrbTicket.init("<principal>", "<keytab path>")

If keytab path is not specifyed, kinit uses KRB5_KTNAME env, or /etc/krb5.keytab to find a keytab file. see: kerberos(1) and kinit(1).

Ticket Updater Strategies

To avoid a credential cache (ccache) corruption by concurrent updates from multiple processes, KrbTicketUpdater has a few update strategies:

  • SimpleKrbTicketUpdater: for single updater process, or multiple updaters w/ per process ccache. (default)
  • MultiProcessKrbTicketUpdater: for multiple updater processes w/ exclusive file lock
  • SingleProcessKrbTicketUpdater: for multiple updater processes w/ exclusive file lock to restrict the number of updater processes to one against the ccache
from krbticket import KrbTicket, SingleProcessKrbTicketUpdater

ticket = KrbTicket.init("<principal>", "<keytab path>", updater_class=SingleProcessKrbTicketUpdater)


krbticket supports retry feature utilizing retrying which provides various retry strategy. To change the behavior, pass the options using retry_options of KrbConfig. The dafault values are:

  • wait_exponential_multiplier = 1000
  • wait_exponential_max = 30000
  • stop_max_attempt_number = 10
from krbticket import KrbTicket

retry_options = {
  'wait_exponential_multiplier': 1000,
  'wait_exponential_max': 10000,
  'stop_max_attempt_number': 5
ticket = KrbTicket.init("<principal>", "<keytab path>", retry_options=retry_options)

Update Interval



docker run --rm -p 88:88 ksauzz/docker-krb5:0.0.1
pip install -r requirements-test.txt -r requirements.txt
KRB5_CONFIG=tests/conf/krb5.conf.local pytest