
Custom PHP docker images with additional extensions for CI/CD

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

PHP CI Docker images

This repository extends official PHP Docker image with production PHP ini settings and adds often used PHP extensions. This allows quickly integrate project in PHP CI processes.

Additional tools

  • GIT
  • composer (2.2 from official Docker image)
  • phpcs, phpcbf - PHP_CodeSniffer (with Symfony coding standards)
  • phpcpd - Copy/Paste Detector (CPD)
  • phploc - Measure PHP project code size
  • phpmd - PHP Mess Detector
  • pdepend - Software Metrics for PHP
  • php-cs-fixer - PHP Coding Standards Fixer
  • phpstan - PHP Static Analysis Tool
    • phpstan/phpstan-doctrine
    • phpstan/phpstan-phpunit
    • phpstan/phpstan-symfony

PHP Extensions

By default xdebug extension is disabled for speed. If you want to use php with xdebug - use php-xdebug command or enable xdebug extension with -d flag: php -dzend_extension=xdebug.so ... rest of arguments

Extension PHP 7.1 PHP 7.2 PHP 7.3 PHP 7.4
bcmath + + + +
ctype + + + +
curl + + + +
date + + + +
dom + + + +
fileinfo + + + +
filter + + + +
ftp + + + +
gd + + + +
hash + + + +
iconv + + + +
intl + + + +
json + + + +
libxml + + + +
mbstring + + + +
mcrypt +
mysqlnd + + + +
openssl + + + +
pcre + + + +
PDO + + + +
pdo_mysql + + + +
pdo_sqlite + + + +
Phar + + + +
posix + + + +
readline + + + +
redis + + + +
Reflection + + + +
session + + + +
SimpleXML + + + +
soap + + + +
sockets + + + +
sodium + + +
SPL + + + +
sqlite3 + + + +
standard + + + +
tokenizer + + + +
xdebug + (not enabled) + (not enabled) + (not enabled) + (not enabled)
xml + + + +
xmlreader + + + +
xmlwriter + + + +
Zend OPcache + + + +
zip + + + +
zlib + + + +


The Dockerfiles are licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.