
Created a Dall-E clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Image Generator


The Image Generator is a web application designed to simplify the process of creating images using advanced technologies, including OpenAI's image generation API. This tool provides a user-friendly interface for generating a wide range of images based on your input.


  • Intuitive Interface: The application boasts a simple and intuitive interface, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.
  • Image Gallery: Browse through a gallery of images previously generated by users, offering inspiration and creative ideas.
  • Custom Prompt Generation: Users can input their desired prompt, triggering the image generation process tailored to their specifications.
  • Real-Time Generation: With the click of a button, images are generated in real-time using the powerful OpenAI API, ensuring quick and seamless results.
  • Share and Download: Once generated, users have the option to share their creations with the community or download them for personal use.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/ksaxena149/dalleclone.git
  2. Navigate to the project server directory: cd dalleclone/server
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Navigate to project client directory cd dalleclone/client
  5. Install dependencies: npm install
  6. Set up environment variables:
    • Create a .env file in the cd dalleclone/server directory.
    • Copy the following code into .env file and change the values to your own keys.
OPENAI_API_KEY = "your_api_key"
  1. Start the server: nodemon index.js
  2. Navigate to client project directory cd dalleclone/client
  3. Start the client: npm run dev
  4. Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access the application.


  1. Explore the home page to view a gallery of previously generated images.
  2. Navigate to the image generation page to create your own image.
  3. Fill in the required fields (Name, Prompt) and click on the "Generate Image" button.
  4. Once the image is generated, it will be displayed in the placeholder.
  5. Share your creation with the community or download it for personal use.