
Spring Boot Webflux / R2dbc example

Primary LanguageJava


reactive Spring Boot example, covering Webflux, R2dbc, Testcontainers, Open API, RestDocs.

Java CI with Maven



  • Spring Webflux
  • Router Functions/Handler Functions
  • R2DBC Database Connectivity
  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing with Testcontainers
  • Docker build/compose
  • OpenAPI / Swagger API Documentation
  • Spring RestDocs documentation

If you have Docker installed, grab a PostgreSQL image from Docker Hub and run the image.

docker pull postgres:16-alpine
docker run --name postgresql -e POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=password123 -e POSTGRES_DB=spring -p 5432:5432 postgres:15.4-alpine

Or else, grab the app image via

docker pull ksabrwsk/reactive-people-postgresql:1.0.0

Application properties can be configured in


How to build and run


mvn package
mvn spring-boot:run

to build and run the application on your local environment.

To run the app as a Docker Container type the following commands to build an run the image:

docker build ./ -t reactive-people-postgresql
docker-compose up --force-recreate

Use curl, httpie etc. to call the HTTP Endpoints, or use Postman, a collection file is located under


Point your browser to


to try out the API or see the documentation.

Point your browser to


to read the RestDOCs API documentation.