
Puppet 4 control repo for Wind River Linux Build Infrastructure

Primary LanguagePerlApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Puppet 5 control repo

This is the control repo used by the Wind River Linux Infrastructure team at Wind River


Tested on Ubuntu 16.04.

Requires: bundler and make

apt-get install ruby-bundler make


To install all the modules locally using r10k:

make modules

This will install all the ruby gems into .bundle and use r10k to install all the puppet modules in Puppetfile into the modules/ directory.

Git branch to Puppet Environment mapping

This setup maps git branches to Puppet environments. Note that Puppet environments only support [a-zA-Z_] and characters like dashes are mapped to underscores.

Create the new branch using standard git commands:

git checkout -b <branch>
git push origin <branch>

Now this new branch can be used by an agent as follows:

puppet agent --test --environment <branch>

To make the environment selection permanent, change the environment setting in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf. If the node uses theforeman-puppet module, this will be done automatically.

To delete an environment, delete the branch locally and remotely:

git branch -D <branch>
git push origin :<branch>

Docker Test Setup

Using docker to simulate a local test setup for the development of puppet modules. Puppet has made docker images of the puppetserver and agent available on Docker Hub.

docker run -d --rm --name puppet --hostname puppet.wrs.com \
  -v $PWD:/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production puppet/puppetserver-standalone

docker run -it --rm --hostname <hostname> --link puppet -e FACTER_location=ala \
  --entrypoint bash puppet/puppet-agent
# apt update
# puppet agent --test


  • The first run will transfer a lot of custom facts to the agent. This is normal and necessary for the proper functioning of the Puppet modules.

  • The hostname used for the agent container must match an entry in manifests/nodes.pp or the default profile will be used. The default profile in manifests/nodes.pp is empty.

  • The puppetserver is setup to autosign but if the agent container is restarted with the same hostname, the certs will not match. Use the following command to clear the cert from the puppetserver:

    docker exec -it puppet bash -c 'puppet node clean '

  • The use of --link puppet allows the agent container to connect to the puppetserver using hostname puppet.

  • The apt update is necessary to allow puppet scripts to install packages because the docker image does not ship with the apt database.

  • The environment var FACTER_location is used to set the location which is used to set configuration like ntp servers. This collection of puppet modules supports the following locations: ala, yow and pek.

Docker and systemd

Docker containers do not have a functioning init system like systemd and some modules that rely on the systemd provider will fail.

To create a base Ubuntu container with the puppet agent setup to run systemd:

> make puppet-agent-ubuntu

To run a systemd enabled container the process is more complicated:

> docker run -d -t --rm --name puppet-agent --hostname <hostname> \
  --link puppet -e FACTER_location=yow --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
  --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
  --dns-search='wrs.com' windriver/puppet-agent-ubuntu
> docker exec -it puppet bash -c 'puppet node clean <hostname>'
> docker exec -it puppet-agent bash
# puppet agent --test
# ...
> docker stop puppet-agent

Using Puppet apply with Docker

In some cases using puppet apply is simpler and faster than starting the entire PuppetServer stack.

> docker run -d -t --rm --name puppet-agent --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
  --tmp fs /run --tmpfs /run/lock -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
  -v $PWD:/puppet-control-repo /puppet-agent-ubuntu

This will start an Ubuntu container with systemd as the init service. The local puppet modules will be bind mounted into the container at /puppet-control-repo.

Log into the container and run puppet apply:

> docker exec -it puppet-agent bash
# apt-get update
# puppet apply --modulepath /puppet-control-repo/modules:/puppet-control-repo/site \
  --hiera_config /puppet-control-repo/hiera_noeyaml.yaml -e 'include <module>'


  • The current puppet agent container does not contain eyaml gem and cannot decrypt eyaml, so a special hiera config without eyaml is used.
  • Instead of inline script using -e, place a test.pp file in the root of puppet-control-repo and use that instead.


Bootstrapping mechanism: Puppetinabox

Base Template: Puppet Labs Control-repo

Docker Test Integration: Example42 Puppet Systems Infrastructure Contruction Kit