UNMAINTAINED - DON'T USE IN NEW PROJECTS INTRO zack climbs the beanstalk and may even return a golden harp from the sky. zack allows you to do RPC via beanstalkd. It will encode your messages and handle return values. SYNOPSIS # Server class Server def answer puts 'answer called' 42 end end require 'zack' Zack::Server.new( 'the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything', :simple => Server, :server => 'localhost:11300' ).run # Client require 'zack' answer = Zack::Client. new( 'the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything', :server => 'localhost:11300', :with_answer => [:answer]). answer puts "The answer is #{answer}!" This will output 'answer called' on the server and 'The answer is 41!' on the client. zack is a small library that doesn't do much more than what has been shown above. DEPENDENCIES Depends on beanstalkd server (beanstalkd 1.4.4 or better). COMPATIBILITY Should run with most rubies of the 1.8 and 1.9 generations. STATUS Useful for production use. Not yet tested in high-volume situations. (c) Kaspar Schiess, Patrick Marchi