
datasets for datasci for lang & mind


datasets for datasci for lang & mind

  • quiet_rooommate.csv
  • brain_volume.csv - simulated data from Ritchie et al 2018 total brain volume for sample of 5216 adult human brains
  • rovee_collier_1989.csv - data simulated from Rovee-Collier, 1989 and Fagen and Rovee-Collier, 1983 - retention ratios of 2- and 3- month old infants after several retention intervals (1 to 14 days) in the mobile conjugate reinforcement paradigm.
  • demo-accuracy-data.csv - arbitrary data simulated with a response var (y) and one explanatory var (x); first used in the model accuracy demo
  • model-reliability-sample10.csv - arbitrary data simulated with a response var (y) and one explanatory var (x); sampled 10 data points from true model $y = 2 + 0.5x$
  • model-reliability-sample200.csv - arbitrary data simulated with a response var (y) and one explanatory var (x); sampled 200 data points from true model $y = 2 + 0.5x$