Lab Notebook of Kathryn Schuler

This is an index of all of the experiments I have run in graduate school. I keep a single summary file in the form of an iPython or R notebook for each experiment. Click on an experiment to view its summary. For more details on how I run experiments and document my work visit my experiment guide.

Word Segmentation

In this line of work I ask whether learners can use a statistcal learning mechanism to segment words from fluent speech.

Replications of original experiments

Saffran et al. 1996; Newport & Aslin 2004

Word segmentation in patients with aphasia

Fama, Schuler, Turkeltaub & Newport


In this line of work I use a novel SRT-task paradigm to observe the time-course of statistical learning.

Developing an SRT paradigm

Schuler, Newport, Howard & Howard

Developing an SRT paradigm for children

Schuler, Newport & Aslin

Time-course of statistical learning, adjacent and non-adjacent dependencies

Schuler, Newport & Aslin

Time-course of learning in patients with aphasia

Schuler, Fama, Turkeltaub & Newport

Time-course of learning of inconsistent variation

Schuler & Newport

Incon Input

In this line of work I ask how children acquire language variation.

Regularization of inconsistent input (5-day)

Austin, Furlong, Schuler & Newport

Developing a one-day paradigm

Schuler & Newport

Sufficiency Principle in regularization

Schuler, Horowitz, Yang, & Newport

Regularization in adult learners

Schuler & Newport

  • currently being designed

Acquisition of conditioned variation

Schuler, Furlong, & Newport

Hierarchical structure

In this line of work I ask how learners acquire hiearchically structured sytax and whether humans have a general cognitive assymetry bias for linearized or temporally presented hierarchies.

Hierachical trees

Handshuh, Schuler, Landau & Newport

Replicating Thompson & Newport in an SRT task

Schuler & Newport

Learning bias for hierarchical structure

Schuler & Newport