
meetup high-throughput 실습용 프로젝트

Primary LanguageGo

Fabric High Throughput

This is Fabric High Throuput Code for Hyperledger Meetup

Prerequisites and setup:

Test Chaincode without Fabric

move to chaincode directory

$ cd chaincode

install & remove modules with go mod

$ go mod tidy

test general chaincode:

$ go test ./general

test high throughput Chaincode:

$ go test ./high-throughput

test high throughput removed phantom read Chaincode:

$ go test ./high-throughput-phantom

Test Chaincode with SDK

test chaincode with fabric & nodejs sdk

Running the sample project

move to server root directory

$ cd server

Installs the fabric-client and fabric-ca-client node modules

starts the node app on PORT 4000

$ ./scripts/runApp.sh

preInstall to test chaincode

$ ./scripts/preInstall.sh

Test general chaincode:

init Marbles & transfer Marbles

$ ./scripts/runGeneral.sh

read Marbles result

$ ./scripts/readGeneralMarbles.sh

Test high throughput Chaincode:

init Marbles & transfer Marbles

$ ./scripts/runHighThroughput.sh

read Marbles result

$ ./scripts/readHighThroughputMarbles.sh

Test high throughput removed phantom read Chaincode:

init Marbles & transfer Marbles

$ ./scripts/runHighThroughputPhantom.sh

read Marbles result

$ ./scripts/readHighThroughputPhantomMarbles.sh

Test high throughput removed phantom read Chaincode with solution2:

init Marbles & transfer Marbles

$ ./scripts/runSolution.sh

read Marbles result

$ ./scripts/readSolution.sh