
My git CLI cheatsheet for everyday usage

My git CLI sheatsheet for everyday usage.

GitHub page


git clone $REPO					- copy existing repo
git init					- init empty repo
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"	- you first commit
git status					- show local folder changes
git log --graph --oneline --all 		- show all local commits in tree
git add .					- add all in current folder
git rm $FILE					- delete file in stage
git commit --amend				- change last local commit
git diff					- show changes after adding in stage
git tag 					- show local tags
git tag -a $LABEL -m $DESCRIPTION	        - set the TAG
git show HEAD					- show diff in commit
git clean -i					- clean interactive untracked from folder
git clean -X					- clean ignored only
git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -f passwords.txt' HEAD
						- delete the file from all commits
git reflog					- show all links to past HEADs
git bisect start|bad|good			- pick good and bad commits and use
							binary search to find the bag-gen commit


git checkout .					- rebuild local folder with last commit
git checkout $FOLDER				- in subfolder
git checkout -b $BRANCH $REPO			- create branch and switch here
git checkout HEAD@{2}				- go to HEAD cli history

git reset HEAD~3				- go to 3 commit backwards
git reset HEAD^2			        - go to 2-nd parent


git remote --verbose				- show remote repos
git remote remove $REPO				- delet remote repo link
git remote set-head $REPO $BRANCH		- seting default remote tracking branch
git remote add $NAME $REPO			- link local to remote repo


git branch 					- show local branches
git branch -d|D $BRANCH				- delete $BRANCH label (-D - force delete)
git branch -f $BRANCH $COMM			- relocate $BRANCH to commit $COMM
git branch -m $NEW_BRANCH			- rename
git branch -r					- show remote branches
git branch --all				- show local and tracking branches
git branch -u $REM_BRANCH $BRANCH		- link to remote branch


git stash list					- list of stashes
git stash save $MESS				- hide into stash
git stash save -u				- hide with untracked files
git stash apply stash@{1}			- get from stash
git stash pop stash@{1}				- get and delete from list
git stash show -p				- show the diff
git stash clear					- delete all
git stash drop stash@{1}			- delete choosen one


git merge $BRANCH			- merge branche to current with new commit
git merge --no-ff $BRANCH		- without fast-forwarding
git merge --squash $FEATUREX		- merge with squash side branch (staged area, commit after)

git cherry-pick $COMM1 $COMM2		- coherently move some commits in current branch

git rebase --continue			- after fixing conflicts and ADD
git rebase --abort			- abort rebase operatoin
git rebase $BRANCH $FEATUREX        	- rebase featureX to branch top 
                                        	(if $BRANCH only - rebase current branch)
git rebase -i $COMM			- interactive rebase for all childrens in current branch


git fetch $REPO $BRANCH			- syncronize with remote repo
git fetch $REPO $BRANCH:$NAME2		- syncronize with renaming

git pull --rebase			- get remote changes (with rebase)
git pull $REPO <src>:<dst>          	- pull is 2 operations worked with <src> and <dst> branches
	git fetch $REPO <src>:<dst>
	git merge <dst>
git pull $REPO :<dst>			- delete localy when copy "none" branch


git push --set-upstream $REPO $BRANCH   	- set your commits to the remote repo
git push $REPO <src>:<dst>		        - set src-branch in created dst-branch
git push -u $REPO $BRANCH               	- set to remote repo (repo link + branch)
git push --tags                                 - set tags to remote repo
git push $REPO --delete $BRANCH                 - delete branch in repo
git push $REPO :<dst>				- delete on server when copy "none" branch
git push --force				- apply local changes with commit loose on repo side


May be usefull for pull requests - push to origin, pull from upstream:

IN .git/config do
    [remote "origin"]
    url = https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2.git
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*

git remote add progit https://github.com/progit/progit2.git
git fetch progit
git branch --set-upstream-to=progit/master master
git config --local remote.pushDefault origin


git config --global user.name $NAME                     - set username(--system|--global|--local)
git config user.name                                    - get username
git config --global user.email $EMAIL                   - set email
git config --global core.editor $EDITOR                 - set editor
git config --global credential.helper libsecret         - save login|pass in encrypted file
    || git config --global credential.helper store	- opened file
    || git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=86400")	
    							- temp memory in secs, 24 hours


With nano ~/.bashrc do:

alias glog='git log --graph --oneline --all'
alias gch='git checkout'
alias gst='git status'

Then source ~/.bashrc.


gitflow scheme


ProGit | learngitbranching.js.org | dillinger.io