
Let us make your links shorter in easy way

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

test Project build by Go make with Fun license tests checks

SHORTLINK πŸ“ Let us make your links shorter in easy way !

πŸ“œ Description

This is a test project to generate the short link from the long link you already have. We want to be able to: #POWERGOPHERS

  • get the short link from the long link
  • save the result to database
  • redirect from the short link to the long link destination
  • get simple UI as HTML page
  • check if the long link HTTP valid

πŸ”¬ Analysis

We choose Monolith as system arch pattern and Rich Domain Model as software arch pattern. Let us look at some architect points: #ARCPIC

  • Adapters
    • HTTP transport with static file server
    • SQL or NoSQL database
    • JSON logger
    • file + env config
  • Interfaces
    • http
    • db
    • log
    • service
  • Controllers
    • http
    • db
  • Services
    • redirect from short link to long link
    • search the short link if you have a long link
    • search the long link if you have a short link
    • get ALL link pairs presented in db (test functional)
    • check if long link HTTP available
  • Models
    • link pair (string, string)
    • compute short link from long link
    • unite short link and long link
    • check if pair is valid

πŸ’‘ Solution notes


  • layering and hexagonal arch
  • standart go project layout (more or less)
  • pre-commit hooks and github actions (CI) + docker-compose (CD) + minikube (prodπŸ™ƒ)
  • integration tests and unit tests with mocks
  • e2e tests with PLY
  • HTTPfast(fiber) or HTTPnet(gin) server adapters
  • logZero, logSlog or logFprintf logger adapters
  • postgreSQL, redis, mongoDB or tarantool db adapters
  • OpenAPI Swagger docs http://localhost:8080/oapi

πŸ› οΈ Libs and tools


  • Libs (https://github.com/)
    • caarlos0/env v3.5.0
    • joho/godotenv v1.5.1
    • rs/zerolog v1.29.0
    • gin-gonic/gin v1.9.0
    • gin-contrib/static v0.0.1
    • gin-contrib/pprof v1.4.0
    • valyala/fasthttp v1.45.0
    • gofiber/fiber v2.42.0
    • stretchr/testify v1.8.2
    • gavv/httpexpect v2.15.0
    • jackc/pgx v5.4.3
    • mongodb/mongo-go-driver v1.12.1
    • redis/go-redis v9.2.1
    • tarantool/go-tarantool v2.0.0
  • Tools
    • golang v1.21
    • golangci-lint v1.51.2
    • curl v7.68.0
    • ply v3.2.14 (vscode extension)
    • apache benchmark v2.3 (apache2-utils)
    • docker v24.0.6 + docker-compose v2.21.0
    • minikube v1.31.2

πŸ“Š Metrics

Package graph src files size repo size


  • Project metrics
    • Code size + Repository size
    • Package graph (image_packages)
    • Control-flow graph (go tool pprof)
    • Unit test coverage (go tool cover)
    • Lines of code (gcloc, complexity)
    • Cyclomatic complexity (gocyclo, complexity)
    • Cognitive Complexity (gocognit)
    • Halstead complexity (complexity)
    • Maintainability index (complexity)
  • Metrics repos (https://github.com/)
    • ManyakRus/image_packages
    • JoaoDanielRufino/gcloc
    • fzipp/gocyclo
    • uudashr/gocognit
    • kselnaag/go-complexity-analysis (fork)

More details in: ./script/metrics/

βš™οΈ HowTo


  • check if docker and docker-compose has been installed and works
  • clone the project git clone https://github.com/kselnaag/shortlink
  • dive into a folder cd shortlink
  • build all localy with ./script/cicd.sh docker-build
  • check if kselnaag/shortlink built correctly: docker images
  • run everything with ./script/cicd.sh compose-app (mock DB)
  • if you want to use some DBs pick "compose-pg" or "compose-mg" or "compose-rd" or "compose-tt"
  • go to http://localhost:8080 in your browser and try it

In case of additional flexibility situation change YAML configs in ./script/ guided by ./config/shortlink.env

Kube deploy in ./script/kube/

πŸ¦‹ The beauty is like this and nothing more

kselnaag:~/shortlink$ ./script/cicd.sh

CI/CD COMMANDS: style lint test build run start check check-no-lint
                itest-tt itest-rd itest-pg itest-mg
                docker-gobuilder docker-build docker-up docker-stop
                compose-app compose-pg compose-rd compose-mg compose-tt
                metrics metrics-graph

EXAMLPE:        ./script/cicd.sh build
kselnaag:~/shortlink$ ./script/cicd.sh check



ok      shortlink/internal/adapter/cfg  1.116s
ok      shortlink/internal/adapter/db   1.127s
ok      shortlink/internal/adapter/http 1.170s
ok      shortlink/internal/adapter/log  1.087s
ok      shortlink/internal/model        1.077s
ok      shortlink/internal/service      1.114s


{"L":"info","T":"2023-10-28T19:21:40.706547797+03:00","H":"localhost:8080","S":"shortlink:http","M":"CfgEnv load config from file: /mnt/e/shortlink/bin/shortlink.env","E":""}
{"L":"info","T":"2023-10-28T19:21:40.706738205+03:00","H":"","S":"shortlink:http","M":"mock db connected","E":""}
{"L":"info","T":"2023-10-28T19:21:40.706915386+03:00","H":"","S":"shortlink:http","M":"net/http server opened","E":""}
{"L":"info","T":"2023-10-28T19:21:40.706925122+03:00","H":"","S":"shortlink:http","M":"shortlink app started","E":""}


{"L":"info","T":"2023-10-28T19:21:41.980603163+03:00","H":"","S":"shortlink:http","M":"net/http server closed","E":""}
{"L":"info","T":"2023-10-28T19:21:41.980706141+03:00","H":"","S":"shortlink:http","M":"mock db disconnected","E":""}
{"L":"info","T":"2023-10-28T19:21:41.980712531+03:00","H":"","S":"shortlink:http","M":"shortlink app stoped","E":""}

kselnaag:~/shortlink$ ./script/cicd.sh metrics

?       shortlink/cmd                   [no test files]
?       shortlink/internal              [no test files]
ok      shortlink/internal/adapter/cfg  0.043s  coverage: 53.8% of statements
ok      shortlink/internal/adapter/db   0.024s  coverage: 0.0% of statements
?       shortlink/internal/apptype      [no test files]
?       shortlink/internal/control      [no test files]
?       shortlink/web                   [no test files]
ok      shortlink/internal/adapter/http 0.063s  coverage: 58.5% of statements
ok      shortlink/internal/adapter/log  0.020s  coverage: 77.0% of statements
ok      shortlink/internal/model        0.017s  coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok      shortlink/internal/service      0.039s  coverage: 71.8% of statements
TOTAL: 72.2%

  Language   | Files | Lines | Blank lines | Comments | Code lines
  Golang     |    33 |  2515 |         279 |       43 |       2193
  Bash       |     1 |   362 |          40 |        3 |        319

Average: 2.57

Average: 1.94

TOTAL LoC: 1849
TOTAL cycloAvg: 2.62609
TOTAL halstVolAvg: 432.956
TOTAL halstDiffAvg: 23.6937
TOTAL maintAvg: 61.0348


Control-flow graph (for http://localhost:8080/) #CONTROLFLOW #APP #RD #WEB


| gin | gin docs |              | zerolog |                     | tarantool | tarantool docs |          | postgres | postgres docs |

| fiber | fiber docs |          | godotenv | env |         | redis | redis docs |                       | mongoDB | mongoDB docs |