Welcome to Pathman, your friendly neighborhood UNIX shell configuration manager! Pathman is a small tool written in Swift that helps you manage your shell RC files with ease, focusing on making your life a tad simpler when it comes to handling the PATH
environment variable.
Easy Shell Setup: Pathman is able to detect what shell is being used (as long as its the one that is supported). It can read, modify and save your shell config files (.bashrc, .zshrc) without setting it up.
Add or Remove Directories: Simply add or remove directories from your
environment variable within your shell configuration files. Pathman will check for duplicate entries!
Because why not.
I wanted to create a small toy project that helps me combat my laziness. I wanted a quick way to add and remove PATH variables for Bash and Zsh, as these are the two shells I use most on my Mac device and Linux laptop. There are better ways of doing it, but this one is mine.
Add automatic sourcing of RC file after removing or adding path. Few tests resulted in errors from the shell.Sourcing file is now done automatically when adding or removing path. User can skip sourcing by passing flag --skip-source after the path- Add config file that helps Pathman determine custom RC files to manage (TOML? YAML?)
- Create backup on demand of RC file or custom RC file
- Add support for different environment variables? (LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PKG_CONFIG_PATH)
- More?