
Feign fallback example

Primary LanguageJava

Feign fallback example

  1. start client

  2. start service-one, service-two, service-three

The client calls service-one through Feign and receives the string "Get String from SERVICE-ONE".

The сlient also calls service-two through Feign and gets the string "Get String from SERVICE-TWO".


in case of unavailability of service-two, the client must call the Fallback class in which the call to service-three is indicated and instead of "Get String from SERVICE-TWO", the client should get "Get String from SERVICE-THREE" from service-three.


If you go to the client url


you will get information from service-one

"Get String from SERVICE-ONE"

If you go to the client url


you will get information from service two

"Get String from SERVICE-TWO"

Stop service-two and try calling again


In this case, you will receive information from the service-three

"Get String from SERVICE-THREE"