
Unable to run inference service

VikasAbhishek opened this issue · 11 comments

I have followed the official documentation and deployed the serverless deployment, but after running the first inference service example. I am unable to get desired result that has shown in the page. Please find attached image here with

I followed this link for running the inference service

Screenshot 2024-04-01 185643
spolti commented

Hi @VikasAbhishek, what the command below returns?

kubectl get isvc
spolti commented

there is nothing attached, just pasting the text here should be enough,.

@VikasAbhishek Seems like you have not configured a domain or DNS. If you try to infer from outside the cluster it won't work

Here is the docs from knative for configuring domain. If you are just doing it for testing purposes, then you can just use this command below and you can use the kubectl port-forward to access the cluster without the need to configuring DNS.

kubectl patch cm config-domain --patch '{"data":{"example.com":""}}' -n knative-serving

If you want to configure DNS follow this doc


  • Ensure the KServe inference service (sklearn-iris) is correctly deployed and accessible within the Kubernetes cluster. The command kubectl get isvc -n kserve-test should list the service as READY.
  • Ensure the ingress setup and network policies allow external traffic to the service. The persistent 404 errors could indicate network misconfiguration or an incorrect URL.
  • lacking a proper DNS configuration could prevent external access. Using kubectl patch cm config-domain --patch '{"data":{"example.com":""}}' -n knative-serving can set a temporary domain for testing purposes.
