E2E Test Scenarios for GoRest service
This repository contains e2e (end-to-end) test scenarios for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) user operations using API Version 2 and HTTP Bearer Token authentication from the GoRest service.
These tests are implemented using Jest and Supertest.
Before running the tests, ensure that the following prerequisites are installed:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ksewvlas/gorest_api_tests.git
cd gorest_api_tests/
Install Dependencies:
Generate Token for external API:
Open the URL "https://gorest.co.in/ " -> Login / SignUp
Click on Login user drop down -> API Tokens
Generate new token
Copy your token
Replace Token in Configuration:
Open the gorest_api_tests/src/utils/config.js file in your text editor (IDE).
Locate the validToken and replace it with the actual access token you generated in step 3.
Run all tests:
Viewing test report:
After running the tests, detailed test report is available in the gorest_api_tests/test_results directory.
Create User
Test scenarios for creating a user and validating successful creation.
Retrieve User
Test scenarios for retrieving user details and user lists.
Update User
Test scenarios for updating user details.
Delete User
Test scenarios for deleting a user.
Create User - Positive Scenarios
Test Case
should create a user successfully using correct credentials
Creates a user with valid data and validates the successful creation.
Create User - Negative Scenarios
Test Case
should fail to create a user without a required field
Attempts to create a user without a required field and validates the expected failure.
should fail to create a user with invalid token
Attempts to create a user with an invalid token and validates the expected failure.
should fail to create a duplicated user with the same data
Attempts to create a user with the same data as an existing user and validates the expected failure.
Retrieve User - Positive Scenarios
Test Case
should retrieve user details successfully by userId
Retrieves user details successfully by the provided userId and validates the response.
should retrieve all users
Retrieves all users successfully and validates the response
should retrieve paginated users without overlapping on consecutive pages
Retrieves paginated users without overlapping on consecutive pages.
Retrieve User - Negative Scenarios
Test Case
should fail to retrieve the user with an invalid ID
Attempts to retrieve a user with an invalid ID and validates the expected failure.
should fail to retrieve the user with an invalid token
Attempts to retrieve a user with an invalid token and validates the expected failure.
should fail to retrieve all users with invalid token
Attempts to retrieve all users with an invalid token and validates the expected failure.
Update User - Positive Scenarios
Test Case
should update user details successfully by userId
Updates user details and validates the response.
Update User - Negative Scenarios
Test Case
should fail to update the user with an invalid ID
Attempts to update a user with an invalid ID and validates the expected failure.
should fail to update the user with an invalid token
Attempts to update a user with an invalid token and validates the expected failure.
Delete User - Positive Scenarios
Test Case
should delete user successfully by userId
Deletes a user and validates the successful deletion.
Delete User - Negative Scenarios
Test Case
should fail to delete the user with an invalid ID
Attempts to delete a user with an invalid ID and validates the expected failure.
should fail to delete the user with an invalid token
Attempts to delete a user with an invalid token and validates the expected failure.