
A node application that calculates commission fees depending on various constraints

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

How to Run

It's better that the Node version is >= 10.

Clone this repository and install dependecies.

npm i

Set the value of the environment variables in the .env file. The values are the URLs of the respective configurations.


This program takes a file as an input which contain transactions in JSON format. To run the program -

npm start /path/to/file/input.json

This will print the calculated commission fees to stdout.

To run the test suits -

npm test

To run the test suits in watch mode (helpful during development)

npm run test:watch

To run the linter

npm run lint

Additionaly, linter will run before every commit.

Program Architecture

Comments are available on the code. The following diagram might also be helpful.

commissioner architecture