
Spring Boot + Vaadin 14 TimeTracker Web App

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status codecov


Online demo


The application is a simple time tracker. All users can create projects, bind other users with specific roles to them. Users with the required permissions can create, modify and delete work logs in projects, view other people's logs, commit them to prohibit further changes.


The goal was to try to create a project from scratch using Vaadin 14+ and Spring Security, Spring Data.

  • Java 11
  • Vaadin 14 (For all UI stuff)
  • Spring Boot 2.X
    • Vaadin
    • Data
    • Test
    • OAuth2 Client (For Google OpenID)
  • JUnit 5 + Mockito (Integration tests cover complex database manipulations in com.github.kshashov.timetracker.data.service package.

Database scheme


There are two options for initializing the scheme:

  • test profile: uses in-memory H2 with hibernate.ddl-auto = create flag
  • dev profile: uses remote PostgreSQL with Flyway migrations


  • Travis CI - buids, tests, sending jacoco reports to Codecov
  • Heroku - deploing with additional npm and production maven profiles to install node.js and enable Vaadin's production mode


Projects Management

The central entity here is the project. Project containы several actions - types of work (development, code review, meeting, etc) and can be used by several users, depending on their roles.

projects admin

It is a classic master-detail interface with four widgets:

  • Projects list
  • Project details
  • Project actions list
  • Project users list

Each 'list' component is a classic Vaadin Grid with crud functionality. Depending on the state of the project, action, as well as the project role of the current user, certain components and buttons may not be displayed .

Inactive state

Since the working logs at some point can be commited (aka closed), they should not be changed or deleted in any way. This complicates the process of deleting a project or an action, to which such logs relate - we cannot delete them!


In such cases, an action (or a project with all actions) instead of deleting moves into a 'inactive' state. Such inactive entities are only suitable for viewing existing closed work logs and can't be updated in any way.

Project roles and permissions

A user attached to a project has a project role, each of which contains a set of permissions.


Permission Code Description
view_project_info Viewing project information
edit_my_logs Creating, editing, deleting by the user of his work logs
view_project_logs Viewing, closing project work logs
edit_project_logs Creating, editing, deleting project work logs (Not implemented)
edit_project_info Editing, deleting project Information
edit_project_actions Creating, editing, deleting actions in the project
edit_project_users Adding a user to the project, changing the user role, exclusion from the project

In general, there are no restrictions on the number and composition of project roles, so you can create any roles in the database. The only limitation is that the following roles must exist:

Role Code Description
project_inactive Used when removing a user from a project when he has closed work logs.
project_admin Used when a user creates a new project.

The existence of these roles is required and checked by application via custom ContextRefreshedEvent listener.

By default I use the following roles:

Role Code Permission Codes
project_inactive -
project_user view_project_info, edit_my_logs
project_reporter view_project_info, edit_my_logs, view_project_logs
project_admin view_project_info, edit_my_logs, view_project_logs, edit_project_logs, edit_project_info, edit_project_actions, edit_project_users

Dates Management

Users with the view_project_logs permissions can:

  • оpen or close (prohibits the creation of new work logs) the day
  • open or close (prohibits the updating and removing) work logs for specific dates interval. Logs related to inactive actions, projects or user roles will not be open, however.


The beginning of the week is determined based on the user's settings.

Daily Work Logs

Users can create work logs if the day is open. The working log can be changed or deleted at any time until it is closed.



Users with the view_project_logs permissions can view all project's work logs for specified date range. The beginning of the week is determined based on the user's settings.



Login page


Sign Up page

sign up

Home page


Current User

current user



