
Materials for a CSCAR workshop on generalized estimating equations (GEE)

Primary LanguagePython

Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) in Python Statsmodels

https://github.com/statsmodels/statsmodels/wiki/Examples (scroll down to GEE section)






Generalized Linear Models

Generalized linear models (GLMs) are a family of regression procedures. Like most basic forms of regression, they relate a dependent variable y to one or more independent variables (also called predictors or covariates) x1, ..., xp. The conditional mean E[y|x1, ..., xp] and conditional variance Var[y|x1, ..., xp] play important roles in GLMs.

GLMs have the following properties:

  • They are single index models, meaning that the fitted mean value for an observation with covariate values x1, x2, ..., xp depends on the covariates only through a linear function b0 + b1×x1 + ... + bp×xp, where the bj are unknown parameters.

  • They have a mean/variance relationship, i.e. Var[y|x1, ..., xp] is a function of E[y|x1, ..., xp].

  • They may specify a limited domain for the dependent variable, e.g. the interval [0, 1], or the non-negative integers.

  • The distribution of y given x1, ..., xp follows an exponential family.

We won't cover the theory of GLMs here in any detail. The main thing to appreciate about GLMs is that a specific GLM is specified by choosing a family and a link function. The link function is the function that maps the mean E[y|x1, ..., xp] to the linear predictor.

The family and link function together imply the mean/variance relationship and the domain of the response variable. Most families can be used with several different link functions. One link function for each family is canonical, meaning that it has special properties that simplify working with the model.

Below are some of the common GLM families and link functions:

  • Gaussian: a Gaussian GLM is equivalent to linear least squares regression. Although it is interesting that linear least squares can be viewed in this framework, Gaussian GLMs are less commonly used than OLS regression. The canonical link function for the Gaussian family is the identify function g(x) = x. The domain for the Gaussian GLM is the real line (i.e. there is no constraint on the dependent variable's values).

  • Binomial: a binomial GLM is also known as "logistic regression". This is probably the most common GLM. In this setting, the response variable takes on only two distinct values, usually coded 0 and 1. The canonical link function for the binomial GLM is the logit function log(p/(1-p)), where p = E[y|x1, ..., xp] is the mean. Other link functions used with the binomial GLM are the log function (giving a "log binomial model") and the inverse cumulative distribution function of the Gaussian distribution (giving "probit regression"). The domain for the binomial GLM is the set of two values that y can take on (e.g. 0, 1).

  • Poisson: in a Poisson GLM, the distribution of y given x1, ..., xp is Poisson, with mean exp(b0 + b1×x1 + ... + bp×xp) in the canonical link case. A Poisson distribution has the property that the mean is equal to the variance, so the Poisson GLM is useful for modeling data with this relationship. The domain for the Poisson GLM is the non-negative integers 0, 1, ... The canonical link for the Poisson GLM is the log function.

  • Negative binomial: this GLM generalizes the Poisson GLM by adding an additional parameter alpha to the mean/variance relationship. The variance of y is equal to m + alpha×m^2, where m is the conditional mean. If alpha = 0, this is the same as the Poisson mean/variance relationship. By setting alpha > 0, the variance can grow faster than the mean. The canonical link for the negative binomial GLM is the reciprocal function, but in practice people usually use the non-canonical log link.

Other GLM families that we will not discuss here are the Gamma GLM, the inverse Gaussian GLM, and the Tweedie GLM.

Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE)

GLMs are useful in many settings where the observations are independent. In practice, we often encounter dependent data. Some examples where dependent data arise are: longitudinal data, other forms of repeated measures on subjects, clustered data such as data observed on multiple subjects in a cluster (e.g. classroom, hospital), or data collected by geographic region (e.g. census tracts).

If the main interest is in the mean structure, it is usually meaningful to use GLMs even if the data are dependent. However the inferential parts of the analysis (standard errors, confidence intervals, p-values, etc.) will usually be incorrect if the data are dependent and are analyzed using a GLM. The marginal mean structure is estimated correctly with GLM models even in the presence of dependence. This marginal mean structure has a related but different interpretation than the conditional mean structure that is estimated using mutilevel models. This is an important distinction but we will not explore it in detail here.

GEE was developed to allow GLM-style analysis to be performed on dependent data. It is different from many other statistical techniques that involve models. Instead of a model, GEE is based on a set of estimating equations. These estimating equations involve the GLM mean structure, and a working covariance structure (that need not be correct, more about this later). Solving these equations yields estimates of the marginal mean structure parameters (regression coefficients), and provides a means to obtain standard errors that properly account for the dependence in the data.

The working covariance structure plays an important role in GEE analysis. Most GEE covariance models are based on the notion of the data being dependent within clusters. Other dependence structures such as nested clusters and sequential structures are also possible. A wide variety of working covariance structures can be specified. Here are some of the more common ones:

  • Independence: this working covariance structure treats the observations as being independent.

  • Exchangeable: this working covariance structure treats any two observations within a cluster has having a constant, unknown correlation parameter r. Pairs of observations in different clusters are taken to be independent.

  • Autoregressive: this working covariance treats the observations within a cluster as having correlation that depends exponentially on the distance between the observations, i.e. the correlation between consecutive observations is r, that between observations separated by one value is r^2, etc.

Other covariance structures include m-dependent covariance for stationary time series, unstructured covariances for vector data, and various specialized covariance structures for ordinal or categorical data.

GEE inference can be used in two ways. Taking the working covariance structure to be true, we have a form of parametric analysis. This is sometimes called "naive inference" for GEE. When using naive inference, it is important to assess whether the specified covariance is flexible enough to fit the data. Alternatively, we take the covariance structure to be a "working structure" that does not need to be true. This gives rise to a form of "robust inference" that accommodates covariance mis-specification.

There are a number of subtleties that arise when using GEE. In a fully model-based analysis, the main focus is on the structure and fit of the model. In a GEE, there are other choices to be made that impact the performance of the mean structure estimation. Here are a few of the important issues to consider:

  • The robust approach to GEE works quite well for large data sets, but the covariance estimates are quite variable for smaller samples.

  • The mean and covariance estimates are generally not orthogonal -- changing the covariance structure can lead to changes in the estimated mean structure. If this is undesirable, use the independence covariance structure, in which case the mean parameters will be the same as when analyzing the data with GLM.

  • Most covariance structures have parameters that are estimated using the method of moments applied to the residuals from the mean estimation. The mean structure parameters and covariance structure parameters are estimated in separate steps. It is common to alternate between them to try to achieve convergence (although convergence does not always occur). Unlike in MLE and other iterative optimizations, it is not necessary to iterate to convergence -- the iterations can stop at any point, including after the first covariance update, and meaningful estimates will generally result.

  • Since the analysis is not based on likelihoods, likelihood-based procedures such as the likelihood ratio test (LRT), or model selection procedures including AIC and BIC cannot be directly applied. Wald tests and a type of score test can be applied, and modified versions of the AIC are available.

  • Covariance parameter estimates (for correctly-specified models) are generally consistent, but there is no straightforward way to assess uncertainty for these estimates. GEE is therefore mainly used when the primary questions are about the mean structure.

  • As noted above, GEE can be used to estimate the marginal regression function. In a linear model, the marginal mean structure and conditional mean structure are the same (although the estimates of mean structure parameters from GEE and mixed modeling will not coincide). For nonlinear models (e.g. logistic GLM), the marginal mean structure and conditional mean structures differ. In general, the marginal effects are smaller than the conditional effects (e.g. when expressed as odds ratios).