
Convert cc65 libraries and object files to OMF. WTF.

Primary LanguageC++

cc65 to omf

Convert cc65 object files and libraries to OMF object files and libraries.

Why? The original idea was to use ORCA/M or MPW Asm IIgs with ip65, so I don't have to learn ca65. Of course, ca65 is a fine assembler and in some ways better...


  • Imports -> N/A
  • Exports -> OMF GLOBAL or GEQU entries
  • ZEROPAGE segment -> OMF Stack segment
  • other segments -> OMF Code segments


cc65 object files allow you to import symbol then export it under a different name (and possibly as part of a larger expression). ORCA/Linker 2.1.0 (or newer) is recommended as older versions won't properly evaluate them. Apple's linker (for APW or MPW) handles them better but there may still be issues.