Almeno Backend Development Internship Assignment

Author - Kshipra Jadav

  • Hey there! I've finally completed this assignment.
  • It took a lot of time because I was completing my college assignments on the side.
  • Now, for the cool part - Running The Application

Running The Application

  • There are two branches for this repo - dev and docker
  • If you head on over to the dev branch, you will have to setup the local environment and do all the manual shiz.
  • If you have Docker installed (which you most probably will have), you can head to the docker branch.

dev branch

  • If you decide to go through the pain of setting up the local environment, then you've come to the right place :)
  • Steps :-
    1. git clone this repo
    2. cd into the repo
    3. To setup the server,
      • cd server
      • pip install -r requirements.txt
      • python runserver or python3 runserver (if you're on linux)
    4. To setup the client,
      • cd ..
      • cd client
      • npm install
      • npm run dev
  • After completing the above steps in two separate instances of your favourite terminal, you should have the server running on port 8000 and the client on port 5173.

docker branch

  • If you're smart enough and you don't want to setup the local environment, just let docker do it for you :P
  • Steps :-
    1. git clone this repo
    2. cd into the repo
    3. Just run docker-compose up
  • Let Docker take it's time in bringing both the containers up.
  • Once they're up, you can navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the frontend.

Using The Application

  • So, you've finally managed to setup the application and get it up and running!
  • In order to test the application and run it for yourself, you need to access the application from the frontend.
  • If you've setup the application locally, then head on over to http://localhost:5173 to access the application.
  • If you've let Docker do the setting up process for you then head on over to http://localhost:3000 to access the application.
  • In this repo, you will find a folder called strip_images which contains some sample images for you to test the application out.
  • Click on the Upload button and select any one image from that folder.
  • Click on Upload File button to upload the file.
  • You'll see a preview of the uploaded image and different 10 colours used in it.

Tech Stack


  1. React
  2. TypeScript
  3. Vite
  4. Tailwind CSS


  1. Django


  1. Docker
  2. docker-compose