
A Kubernetes-based, scalable web application with a REST API and database backend, featuring security measures like TLS and RBAC, packaged with a Helm chart for easy deployment.

Primary LanguagePython

Kubernetes Application

Simple containerized application with Kubernetes. This is a BucketList application which has backend, frontend and database deployed using Kubernetes.

This example can be deployed in microk8s.

Project structure

  1. MicroK8s version located in k8s-microk8s folder
  2. Helm charts are located in k8s-microk8s-chart folder


Class Diagram


Sequence Diagram


Deployment Diagram


This section provides information on the location and purpose of Kubernetes-related files.

k8-microk8s/ folder

The k8-microk8s/ folder contains artifacts for creating Kubernetes objects using the command kubectl apply -f k8-specs.

k8app-charts/ folder

The k8app-charts/ folder contains artifacts to assist in the creation of Helm charts using the command helm install k8app ./k8app-chart. These artifacts will help to streamline the deployment process for your Kubernetes application.


We defined the following roles:

  • Developer
    • Can fully manage configmaps, services, pods, and secrets in the default namepsace
    • Test commands:
      • kubectl auth can-i list pod --namespace default --as user_developer
        • Expected answer is yes
      • kubectl auth can-i list deploy --namespace default --as user_developer
        • Expected answer is no
  • Devops
    • Can fully manage ingress, deployments, cert-manager, replicaset, and secrets in the default namepsace
    • Test commands:
      • kubectl auth can-i list deploy --namespace default --as user_devops
        • Expected answer is yes
      • kubectl auth can-i list pod --namespace default --as user_devops
        • Expected answer is no
  • Security
    • Can fully manage configmaps and secrets in all namespaces
    • Test commands:
      • kubectl auth can-i list secrets --namespace default --as user_security
        • Expected answer is yes
      • kubectl auth can-i list deploy --namespace default --as user_security
        • Expected answer is no

Setup using microk8s

Local DNS settings

In order to ensure that the application works on local version it is necessary to add the following lines to your /etc/hosts file (or equivalent on a non Linux based OS): k8app.com backend.k8app.com
  1. Enable dns: microk8s enable dns

  2. Enable cert-manager: microk8s enable cert-manager

  3. Enable ingress: microk8s enable ingress

  4. Enable ha-cluster: microk8s enable ha-cluster

  5. Enable observability: microk8s enable observability

  6. Enable rbac: microk8s enable rbac

  7. Push Frontend Image: docker buildx build -f frontend.dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 -t caxolahop3/sc-frontend-v2 . --push

  8. Push Backend Image: docker buildx build -f backend.dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 -t caxolahop3/sc-backend-v2 . --push

  9. You then have two choices for deploying the application, either using K8s directly or using helm

    1. Using K8s directly: Navigate to k8s-microk8s folder and run:
      • microk8s kubectl apply -f . to install the application
      • microk8s kubectl delete -f . to uninstall the application
      • microk8s kubectl apply -f . to upgrade the application, when there is a change that can take effect, it will.
    2. Using helm: Navigate to the root folder of this repository:
      • microk8s helm3 install k8app k8s-microk8s-chart/ to install the application
      • microk8s helm3 uninstall k8app to uninstall the application
      • microk8s helm3 upgrade k8app k8s-microk8s-chart/ to upgrade the application, when there is a change that can take effect, it will.
  10. Follow https://backend.k8app.com for backend and https://k8app.com for frontend

How to make a rollout

  • Make a change in your deployment file (Change the image tag or the limits)
  • Create configmaps.
  • Execute kubectl apply -f [FILE_NAME]
  • Validate rollout satus with kubectl rollout status deployment/[DEPLOYMENT_NAME]
  • Get rollout history with kubectl rollout history deployment/[DEPLOYMENT_NAME]
  • Go back to a specific revosion kubectl rollout undo deployment/[DEPLOYMENT_NAME] --to-revision=1

How to make a canary deployment

  • Execute microk8s kubectl apply -f frontend-deployment-canary.yml
  • Delete deployment old version kubectl delete -f k8s-microk8s/frontend-deployment.yml


Docker Compose:

For convenience of performing builds and making very first test runs, we also created docker-compose file that make use of 2 custom images and a Postgres database.

To run our docker-compose implementation:

  1. Go inside k8app (root project) folder
  2. Run docker-compose up
  3. Navigate to frontend http://localhost:5000/
  4. Navigate to backend http://localhost:8080/
  5. Check out main page and visit http://localhost:8080/api/docs to play with API
  6. If you wish you can connect to PostgresDB (find credentials in .env file) to investigate the items table and data stored on it.

To perform an image build run: docker-compose build. Note that you can adjust image names in .env file in root project folder.

Technologies stack

To get more details about implementation of each module consult backend/ and frontend/ folders


Backend is built using Python and FastAPI framework.


Frontend is built using React. For production on top of yarm build a nginx image is used on top. For development, it can be run with either yarm or npm run.


Postgres is used as primary data store. Credentials for Docker-compose version can be found in .env file. Credentials for Microk8s version can be found in corresponding ConfigMaps and Secrets.