I am pursuing Computer Science Engineering from NIT Durgapur. I have recently ventured into the field of AI and Machine learning and these are my projects.
Deoghar, Jharkhand
Pinned Repositories
Developed an iOS app that fetches data from API calls at regular intervals of time, from a Nodemcu, which is connected to a box in which Customer's Amazon package will be there. The Nodemcu will send the threat alert to the app, which will push notification to the user, on the basis of vibrations, or if the WiFi is disconnected, if someone unauthorized picks up the box, ensuring its safety. The app can also make post API calls to the Nodemcu to sanitise, or open the box. All this will ensure the safety of the box, and customers will no longer have to present at home to pick up their package
This is the code for the famous blackjack game i created using python's 'random' library and object oriented programming concepts. It contains the hit and stay options we can use and the dealer is the computer. We can have a virtual bank and bet whatever amount of money from it, we want
Built a 97% accurate logistic regression model on breat cancer dataset by reducing the dimensions of the data using Pricipal Component Analysis and applying logistic regression on the reduced 2 principal components, to accurately classify data. Used numpy, pandas, matplotlib, PCA, and scikit-learn.
iOS Ecommerce App connected with firebase, that lets sellers add items, their details, like images, price, description, and lets users as customers add their items to a cart in sync with their email ID through firebase.
Used 5 regression algorithms, linear regression, polynomial regression, ridge regression, xgboost regression and neural network regression to find the best ML model to predict medical expenses of a person on the basis of features like age, sex, bmi, region, children.
Built and trained my own convolutional neural network and 4 other pre-trained CNNs (Resnet-50, VGG-16, Inception-V3, Xception) on the dataset of images provided by Intel, to predict whether a given image has buildings, forests, sea, streets, mountains or glaciers.
Used 5 different supervised machine learning algorithms and trained them with real data of people with and without liver disease. Then evaluated the results of each of them using different parameters to choose the best one.
Built a movie recommendation sytem, using real datasets of movies titles and thier ratings given by 2.5 million people. Used elements of data creation and modification like numpy, pandas, pivot tables and statistical functions like corrwith() to find similar movies.
Trained a bidirectional LSTM Recurrent Neural Network on around 38,000 movie review texts to recognise whether a given movie review is positive or negative and output the corresponding sentiment score between 0 and 1.
This is a song recommendation system, that uses deep learning, digital signal processing and content based recommendation algorithm to recommend songs similar to a given song, by classifying its genre and converting each song to a genre vector.
kshitijshrivastava1903's Repositories
Used 5 different supervised machine learning algorithms and trained them with real data of people with and without liver disease. Then evaluated the results of each of them using different parameters to choose the best one.
This is a song recommendation system, that uses deep learning, digital signal processing and content based recommendation algorithm to recommend songs similar to a given song, by classifying its genre and converting each song to a genre vector.
This is the code for the famous blackjack game i created using python's 'random' library and object oriented programming concepts. It contains the hit and stay options we can use and the dealer is the computer. We can have a virtual bank and bet whatever amount of money from it, we want
iOS Ecommerce App connected with firebase, that lets sellers add items, their details, like images, price, description, and lets users as customers add their items to a cart in sync with their email ID through firebase.
Used 5 regression algorithms, linear regression, polynomial regression, ridge regression, xgboost regression and neural network regression to find the best ML model to predict medical expenses of a person on the basis of features like age, sex, bmi, region, children.
Built and trained my own convolutional neural network and 4 other pre-trained CNNs (Resnet-50, VGG-16, Inception-V3, Xception) on the dataset of images provided by Intel, to predict whether a given image has buildings, forests, sea, streets, mountains or glaciers.
Built a movie recommendation sytem, using real datasets of movies titles and thier ratings given by 2.5 million people. Used elements of data creation and modification like numpy, pandas, pivot tables and statistical functions like corrwith() to find similar movies.
Trained a bidirectional LSTM Recurrent Neural Network on around 38,000 movie review texts to recognise whether a given movie review is positive or negative and output the corresponding sentiment score between 0 and 1.
Built a 97% accurate logistic regression model on breat cancer dataset by reducing the dimensions of the data using Pricipal Component Analysis and applying logistic regression on the reduced 2 principal components, to accurately classify data. Used numpy, pandas, matplotlib, PCA, and scikit-learn.
Used the titanic dataset, cleaned it for null values and categorical features, applied logistic regression and then reduced data to its two principal components and again applied logistic regression to check for accuracy of predicting whether or not a person survived the titanic crash on the basis of data.
Used supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms for classification and regression tasks on real datasets
Used tensorflow's neural network model to predict whether or not a person pays back a loan on the basis of his historical data and personal details of 3.9 lakh people like interest rate, employment details, address, etc.
This is a 2 player game I have created using python(using concepts of functions and loops)of tic tac toe in which you can enter the the number on the grid to specify where you want to put the X or 0
Developed an iOS app that fetches data from API calls at regular intervals of time, from a Nodemcu, which is connected to a box in which Customer's Amazon package will be there. The Nodemcu will send the threat alert to the app, which will push notification to the user, on the basis of vibrations, or if the WiFi is disconnected, if someone unauthorized picks up the box, ensuring its safety. The app can also make post API calls to the Nodemcu to sanitise, or open the box. All this will ensure the safety of the box, and customers will no longer have to present at home to pick up their package
Trained a convolutional neural network to recognise 7 kinds of emotions (Happy, Anger, Sad, Fear, Disgust, Surprise, Contempt) after detection of face in real time video camera and giving the prediction.
This Repository is for Learning purpose, and open contributions under DevIncept program.