
Primary LanguagePython

Pix2Pix in Pytorch

Study Friendly Implementation of Pix2Pix in Pytorch

More Information: Original Paper

Identical Tensorflow Implemenation will be uploaded on HyeongminLEE's Github

1. Environments

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Python 3.6 (Anaconda)
  • Pytorch 0.2.0
  • Torchvision 0.1.9
  • PIL / random

2. Code Description

  • pix2pix.py: Main Code
  • pix2pix_test.py: Test Code after Training
  • network.py: Generator and Discriminator
  • db/download.sh: DB Downloader

3. Networks and Parameters

3.1 Hyper-Parameters

  • Image Size = 256x256 (Randomly Resized and Cropped)
  • Batch Size = 1 or 4
  • Learning Rate = 0.0002
  • Adam_beta1 = 0.5
  • Lambda_A = 100 (Weight of L1-Loss)

Use Batch Normalization when Batch Size = 4

Use Instance Normalization when Batch Size = 1

3.2 Generator Networks (network.py)

3.3 Discriminator Networks (network.py)

4. DB Download

./db/download.sh dataset_name

dataset_name can be one of [cityscapes, maps, edges2handbags]

  • cityscapes : 256x256, 2975 for Train, 500 for Val
  • maps : 600x500, 1096 for Train, 1098 for Val
  • edges2handbags : 256x256, 138567 for Train, 200 for Val

5. Train

5.1 edges2handbags

python pix2pix.py --dataroot ./datasets/edges2handbags --which_direction AtoB --num_epochs 15 --batchSize 4 --no_resize_or_crop --no_flip

5.2 maps

python pix2pix.py --dataroot ./datasets/maps --which_direction BtoA --num_epochs 100 --batchSize 1

5.3 cityscapes

python pix2pix.py --dataroot ./datasets/cityscapes --which_direction BtoA --num_epochs 100 --batchSize 1

6. Test

After finish training, saved models are in the ./models directory.

  • which_direction , no_resize_or_crop and no_flip options must be same with Training
  • batchSize means test sample size
  • num_epochs is the parameter which model will be used for test

6.1 edges2handbags

python pix2pix_test.py --dataroot ./datasets/edges2handbags --which_direction AtoB --num_epochs 15 --batchSize 4 --no_resize_or_crop --no_flip

6.2 maps

python pix2pix_test.py --dataroot ./datasets/maps --which_direction BtoA --num_epochs 100 --batchSize 1

6.3 cityscapes

python pix2pix_test.py --dataroot ./datasets/cityscapes --which_direction BtoA --num_epochs 100 --batchSize 1

Test results will be saved in ./test_result

7. Results

[Input | Generated | Ground Truth]

Edges to Handbags

Maps to Aerials (100 Epochs)

200 Epochs (which is in the Paper) will give better results

Semantic Labels to Street Scenes (100 Epochs)

200 Epochs (which is in the Paper) will give better results