
A web scraping tool that fetches a desired product from two of the most famous e-commerce platforms and compares the result provided by the latter.

Primary LanguagePython


Comparator is a web scraping tool that scrapes the details of any product that a person desires to search for, or perhaps buy, and renders the results fetched. The details are then displayed in form of tables where one can easily compare the related buy price, ratings and even the number of results fetched.

This tool could come in handy as you don't have to visit each of these 2 E-Commerce platforms, namely Flipkart and Amazon, for getting the details of a desired product. So yeah, it saves time. :)


There's a file provided in the repository named requirements.txt. Run the following command after changing to the local folder holding the files.

pip install -r requirements.txt

This should download any necessary library required for running the tool.

Running the Tool

You do not have to interact with the tool everytime to provide the details for a desired product. Just follow the pattern given below to get you going.

In the local directory which holds the files, run the following command.

python <file_name>.py <your desired product>

// eg.  python comparator.py oneplus nord

A few Result Snapshots