
The repository contains certain lines of code that uses the concept of "Multi-Step Data Analysis" and utilizes Google Maps API to find particular addresses to visualize the latter on a map.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The repository contains certain lines of code that uses the concept of "Multi-Step Data Analysis" and utilizes Google Maps API to find particular addresses along with the related serialized data to visualize the latter on a map.

Multi-Step Data Analysis

The three steps involved in Multi-Step Data Analysis are :

  • Gather data
  • Clean/Process data
  • Analyze/Visualize data

1) Gathering Data from a network is often

  • Slow because we may have 100s or maybe 1000s of data to be retrieved over a network.
  • Restartable because since our code may take time to retrieve all the data, it may sometimes enter sleep mode or even crash.
  • Limited because obviously sometimes APIs may have rate limit attached to them.

2) Cleaning/Processing data which we might have stored in a database is the second step. This is bcause the data we retrieved over the network in the first place may be raw or might contain some flaws.

3) Analyzing/Visualizing data we finally cleaned up is the final step. Here we create one, maybe more scripts to perform all the analysis on the cleaned-up data finally stored in the database. We may further use JavaScript or HTML to perform visualization.


The python file geoload.py is tasked with creating a database file if not already present (.sqlite in our case), reading the names of the colleges from the data file, fetching the address and the related serialized data from the network utilizing the Google Maps API or the "Service URL" provided to us as a secondary URL in case we're not made available with an API KEY : py4e-data.dr-chuck.net and writing the latter into the database file.

geodump.py python file can be executed anytime to dump the latitude, longitude and the formatted address of all the addresses' written in our database file. However, the primary task of this file is to write the records in the where.js JavaScript file.

Database File

The database we'll be using in this project is SQLite because of the "sqlite3" package which python has already baked in. Where this database might not be our first choice, SQLite is just right for the amount of data we aim to retrieve, probably more. The address field contains the address of the particular college and the geodata field contains the related serialized data (JSON in our case) of the particular address.

Data File

where.data is a data file which contains a name list of the addresses (names of universities in our case) we aim to mark on the map. This file could also be a database file such as .sqlite or .sql. This file is the origin of the project's workflow.


Finally if we'd want to visualize the colleges on a map, we'd simply run the where.html command in the command line which further opens our browser and displays the marks on a map.