SHIVANG Junior Undergraduate, Git repo: Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Email-id : Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Mobile No.: 7755-057-944

Designed and developed materialistic app front-end on android studio using Android SDK (JAVA and XML framework) and server-side API on Slim (PHP framework)

Used support design libraries for materialistic design and backward compatibility upto SDK level-15 (95% of total available android devices), Picasso and Volley libraries for http request handling

Created full fledged app equipped with feature like support messaging, Product listing, Order Handling, Stock Maintenance, Payment Tracking, etc., which reduced transaction time by at least 200 % and decreased load on operations team upto 4 times

Hologram Projection App

Researched on available Raspberry Pi compatible software and libraries, designed and developed laterally inverted (hardware constraint) materialistic app on Android Studio

Integrated App with Google Cloud Messaging(GCM) and augmented broadcast receiver to act as a signal receiver

Adurcup Remote App

Designed and developed realistic front-end Android app and integrated it with GCM server SDK

Developed a python script which could be hosted locally and act like on-off switch of app

Designed and developed Android app front-end, implemented with geotagged image reporting using Android native libraries and server-side API on Slim (PHP framework)

Integreted app with Google Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM), Amazon S3 SDK for file uploading and Facebook SDK to app link

Created app to monitor and track verified uploaded images and deliver credit accordingly

Analyse Intuitiveness and scope of functionality

Design and develop Android app front-end on Android Studio and server-side API on Slim (PHP framework) using REST API

Gather and implement relevant library and dependencies

Designed and developed front-end on android studio using Android SDK (JAVA and XML framework)

Used Youtube API for video streaming, Google Firebase Realtime Datatbase for better scalability and security

Designed and developed simple intuitive UI using android graphics library

Used machine learning based back-end for analytics and dynamic graphs.

Team: Assisted 5 first year undergrad with non-CSE background

Project Highlights:

WiFi router firmware: Used relevant library and dependencies like nodogsplash captive portal and built a WiFi router firmware using Open-wrt source to extract as much data as possible

Web App cum Dynamic Dashboard: Developed dynamic dashboard using javascript, nodeJS, bootstrap and used Django(Python framework) to adhere firmware and database

Supervised Best P-Club Summer Project 2016

Developed hall website using HTML, CSS and Javascript

Assisted and facilitated fellow student to follow up interest in the field of tech and culture

Organised and headed several intra and inter hall events like fine art nights, H2PL, H2FL, Fresher’s Inferno, Takneek

Built productivity app for developers to handle firebase database directly from their android devices

Developed efficient JSON to Firebase parser and Firebase to JSON parser in JAVA

Reached 100 downloads in first week of production with perfect rating

Campus Ordering System: Built two android app and a web back-end in one and half day along with a partner

Made business plan and presentation for our product

Web Progressive Tech Blog built with Google Polymer

Android arcade thumb game made with canvas library with infinte level of difficulty

Developed small game engine in java to sustain gameplay

Made 2 bots that can travel, dectect color, lift load and work complementary, using precise light sensors and Atmega chips, along with the team of 5 members in 2 weeks

Designed and built bot that can lift load, push piston and climb incline, completed the bot in 2 weeks along with a team of 5 members

Diploma in Tabla

Performed on Hall talent Night’14

Performed on Fresher’s Night