
This repository is compilation of useful shell script mostly by me

Primary LanguageShell


These are some bash and python scripts. Most of them are daily hacks. I documented this for mac users only. Other unix user may also run these script by equivalent command.


This is a python script for automatically login to fortigate iitk server while using fortigate ip. If you run this script you will never have your fortigate login problem in browser. You can also manupulate script with your user name and password, and cron task


Install python

How do I install these formulæ?

brew install homebrew/python/<formula>

Or brew tap homebrew/python and then brew install <formula>.

How do I install dependencies?

pip install <package>

How do I run these script?

chmod a+x (yourscriptname) and then ./(yourscriptname)

For nicer way to run script see bottom


This is bash version 2048 game

How do I run these script?

chmod a+x (yourscriptname) and then ./(yourscriptname)

For nicer way to run script see bottom


This is bash script to countDown in mac

How do I run these script?

chmod a+x (yourscriptname) and then ./(yourscriptname)

For nicer way to run script see bottom


This is bash script to produce fibonacci number. This return nth term of fibonacci number

How do I run these script?

chmod a+x (yourscriptname) and then ./(yourscriptname)

For nicer way to run script see bottom


This is a bash script to calculate maximum value that a variable can hold in bash. There could be lots of way of doing this but this one is quite efficient.

How do I run these script?

chmod a+x (yourscriptname)and then ./(yourscriptname)

nicer way to running script in unix

Make a folder in home where you can store all your script

mkdir ~/(desiredNameForFolder)

Add this folder to path variable by adding this line to your .bash_profile

PATH = "$PATH:~/(desiredNameForFolder)

and source your bash by (if you use other shell, then add this line to that shell rc)

source .bash_profile Or restart terminal app. (if you use iterm or xterm, then restart that as well)

Now after creating your script you can run it, just by fixing permission by chmod like

chmod a+x (yoursriptnam) and running $ youscriptname in terminal.

For more nicer way we can add few lines to text editor rc like for vim add

au BufWritePost * if getline(1) =~ "^#!" | if getline(1) =~ "/bin/" | silent !chmod +x <afile>

to automatically fix permission when a script file is saved