OzoneStatsMonthly - a set of scripts for data processing of lidar sensing of the vertical distribution Ozna in the upper troposphere and stratosphere.
RepairOldDb.py - designed to organize the processed data in a uniform format.
- Result of the program meteodownloader.
- The results of calculations of the vertical ozone profiles.
Order of execution of scripts.:
1. CalcHTropo.py - this script performs calculations tropopause
height and adds the result to files with
weather data.
2. AddHTropoToO3.py - this script adds the height of the tropopause
to ozone profiles data.
3. AddJetParamsToO3.py - this script adds subtropical jet parameters
(windspeed ad kernel altitude) to ozone
profiles data.
4. O3Related2Tropo.py - Make a dataset with ozone profiles related
to tropopause.
5. O3Related2Jet.py - Make a dataset with ozone profiles related
to tropopause.
6. O3MonthlyStatTropo.py - calculates ozone profiles statistics related
to tropopause height.
7. O3MonthlyStatJet.py - calculates ozone profiles statistics related
to jet stream height.