1> Instagram Style filters using OpenCV and Numpy used RGB color models and convolution for filters and OpenCV for the UI
2> Smart Security camera using OpenCV and Numpy and skimage used Structural similarity and video processing and twilio api for text notification of an intruder
3> BlackJack Counter using OpenCV used Thresholding(Binary Thresholding, Inverted Binary Thresholding) and Counter Detection(Curve Approximation, Contour Hierarchy and Polygon Approximation
4> Preliminary face swapping app using OpenCV using Cascade Classifier and learnt Haarfeatures, Adaboost, Cascade of Classifiers and Image Slicing
5> Face recognition using Dimensionality reduction using (Principal Components Analysis) for Eigenfaces,(Linear discriminant Analysis) for Fisherfaces, Local Binary Patterns and Yale Face Database.
6> Smart Speed Camera using Optical Flow
7> Image classification using nearest neighbour classifier used k nearest neighbours classifier and CIFAR-10 Image classification Dataset
8> Data Visualization techniques bar chart,lineplot,scatterplot. Quiver plot,3D line and surface plots
9> Text classification-Spam detection used Enron dataset, Naive Bayes, TfIdf
10>Handwriting Recognition using Neural networks,Gradient Descent,Backpropagation,Tensorflow and Tensoroard
11>Convolutional neural Networks based on Lenet-5 architecture using TensorFlow
12>Perceptron and Deep neural networks using Tensorflow and TensorBoard