- 1
JitPack build is failing
#20 opened by bmaupin - 1
Can not play midi file on android
#19 opened by liuyubupt - 0
Copyright notice missing
#22 opened by Cal63 - 2
- 2
"MidiUnavailableException: Transmitter not found" when using val sequencer = MidiSystem.getSequencer()
#17 opened by chriscoomber - 0
- 0
#16 opened by niejunfeng1234 - 0
- 0
Invalid maven url
#14 opened by Druvid - 0
Sequencer resumes to the beginning automatically.
#12 opened by kshoji - 0
Time clock events not being read
#11 opened by vmudimupersonal - 0
- 1
Add maintenance methods for Synthesizer
#8 opened by kshoji - 2
SequencerImpl issues
#7 opened by kshoji - 1
Some MidiSystem methods returns null
#6 opened by kshoji - 2
sequencer.getTransmitter() returns null
#2 opened by victorsalle - 1
- 4
- 1
SMF writer outputs corrupted MIDI file
#1 opened by kshoji