
Primary LanguageJavaScript

What's This?

This project demonstrates how to block image downloads with Selenium in Java. That's both for a headleass Chrome instance and a remote Bright Data Scraping Browser instance.

How Does It Work?

You need NodeJS (tested with the current LTS 20.11.0).

Before you start, run npm install to install the dependencies. Then run npx playwright install to install the headless browsers.

You start it in a terminal with node index.js. By default, that will launch open the English Wikipedia page in a headless Chrome instance, with images blocked. It takes a screenshot of the webpage and saves it to screenshot-[current date and time].png in the current directory.

You can optionally provide two parameters in any order without dashes or the colons used below.

  • allow: Allow images.
  • (username:password): That's the username and password for the Scraping Browser. If provided, the Scraping Browser is used instead of a local Chrome.

Here's an example of allowing images with local Chrome:

node index.js allow

Here's an example of blocking images with the Scraping Browser:

node index.js asfaqdclgudkoi:kkodhcl

Here's an example of allowing images with the Scraping Browser:

node index.js asfaqdclgudkoi:kkodhcl allow