Sample Gaming Microservice gRPC APIs written in golang using Cloud Spanner on GCP (Google Cloud Platform) as storage layer. This sample uses GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) on GCP to host the gRPC API server and use Cloud Endpoints to secure our API and GCLB (L7 LB - ingress in k8s) to load balance the service.
To get started with GCP, please follow this link.
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config list project --format "value(core.project)")
Follow the procedure here to create a GKE cluster. Note: in order to have your GKE node talk to Cloud Spanner, you need to change the default access of the node pool to "Allow full access to all Cloud APIs". You will also need to grant Cloud Spanner Database User role to the service account used by the GKE nodes.
Update the below command with your own GCP Project ID as well as Cloud Spanner instance/database names.
$ docker build -t${PROJECT_ID}/player-api:v1 .
$ docker build -t${PROJECT_ID}/inventory-api:v1 .
$ gcloud docker -- push${PROJECT_ID}/player-api:v1
$ gcloud docker -- push${PROJECT_ID}/inventory-api:v1
$ gcloud container images list-tags${PROJECT_ID}/player-api
$ gcloud container images list-tags${PROJECT_ID}/inventory-api
with your own GCP Project ID as well as your Cloud Spanner instance/db in the following config files:
- deployments/k8s/playerapi-deployment.yaml
- deployments/k8s/inventoryapi-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f playerapi-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f inventoryapi-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f playerapi-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f inventoryapi-service.yaml
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get svc
$ EXTERNAL-IP=$(kubectl get service player-service --output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
$ go run main.go --grpc-address=${EXTERNAL-IP} --grpc-port=8080
To first deploy Cloud Endpoints config without authentication, use api_config.yaml config file.
Create a proto descriptor file
$ protoc --include_imports --include_source_info --descriptor_set_out deployments/endpoints/player-service/player.pb api/proto/v1/player.proto
$ protoc --include_imports --include_source_info --descriptor_set_out deployments/endpoints/inventory-service/inventory.pb api/proto/v1/inventory.proto
with your own GCP Project ID in the following config files:
- deployments/endpoints/player-service/api_config.yaml
- deployments/endpoints/inventory-service/api_config.yaml
- deployments/k8s/playerapi-endpoints-deployment.yaml
- deployments/k8s/inventoryapi-endpoints-deployment.yaml
Deploy the Endpoints configuration
$ cd deployments/endpoints
$ gcloud endpoints services deploy player-service/player.pb player-service/api_config.yaml
$ gcloud endpoints services deploy inventory-service/inventory.pb inventory-service/api_config.yaml
Then delete and redeploy your gRPC pods and service using the Cloud Endpoints ESP sidecar container
$ kubectl delete deployment player-deployment
$ kubectl delete deployment inventory-deployment
$ kubectl delete svc player-service
$ kubectl delete svc inventory-service
$ kubectl create -f playerapi-endpoints-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f playerapi-endpoints-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f inventoryapi-endpoints-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f inventoryapi-endpoints-service.yaml
If the deployment is successful, you can access the GCP Console and start seeing metrics from the Cloud Endpoints portal.
Redeploy the Cloud Endpoints config predefined for quotas (api_config_quota.yaml)
$ cd deployments/endpoints
$ gcloud endpoints services deploy player-service/player.pb player-service/api_config_quota.yaml
Follow the instructions here to create a new API key.
Test your gRPC API quota using the created API key
Replace API_KEY
in the following command
$ EXTERNAL-IP=$(kubectl get service player-service --output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
$ go run main.go \
--grpc-address=${EXTERNAL-IP} \
--grpc-port=8080 \
Redeploy the Cloud Endpoints config predefined for service account authentication (api_config_auth.yaml)
$ cd deployments/endpoints
$ gcloud endpoints services deploy player-service/player.pb player-service/api_config_auth.yaml
Follow the instructions here to create a new service account.
Test your gRPC API using a service account
in the following command
$ EXTERNAL-IP=$(kubectl get service player-service --output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
$ go run main.go \
--grpc-address=${EXTERNAL-IP} \
--grpc-port=8080 \
--keyfile=SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY.json \
Step 1 - Create a global static IP address
$ gcloud compute addresses create ingress-ip --global
Step 2 - Create a managed SSL certificate (replace API.DOMAIN.COM
by your own fqdn).
$ gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates create game-cert --domain API.DOMAIN.COM
NOTE: the DNS record for your domain must reference the IP address you created at the previous step. Otherwise you might get the error
for your managed SSL. In my example,API.DOMAIN.COM
DNS A record would point to the static IP generated during Step 1.
The following steps (3 & 4) are needed to enable SSL on ESP on Kubernetes. For more details, please check
Step 3 - Any self-signed certificates seems to be ok so you can create the SSL key and certificate using OpenSSL
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout ./nginx.key -out ./nginx.crt
Step 4 - Create a Kubernetes secret with your SSL key and certificate
$ kubectl create secret generic nginx-ssl \
--from-file=./nginx.crt --from-file=./nginx.key
FYI this k8s secret is used in the
Step 5 - Clean up the previously deployed deployments and services
$ kubectl delete svc player-service
$ kubectl delete svc inventory-service
$ kubectl delete deployment playerapi-endpoints-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl delete deployment inventoryapi-endpoints-deployment.yaml
Step 6 - Finally redeploy the k8s deployments and services (updated to work with the HTTP LB) and deploy the HTTP LB to expose both gRPC APIs.
with your own GCP Project ID as well as your Cloud Spanner instance/db in the following config files:
- deployments/k8s/playerapi-endpoints-deployment.yaml
- deployments/k8s/inventoryapi-endpoints-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f playerapi-endpoints-ingress-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f playerapi-endpoints-ingress-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f inventoryapi-endpoints-ingress-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f inventoryapi-endpoints-ingress-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f gameapi-ingress.yaml
Step 7 - Test your both gRPC APIs exposed by the HTTP LB (the gRPC path is used to route to the correct backend).
in the following command by the API key previously created
$ cd cmd/client-grpc
$ go run main.go \
--grpc-address=API.DOMAIN.COM \
--grpc-port=443 \
Note that the test client (in
) only dials to the HTTP LB IP address once, the same gRPC connection is used to create a client for each gRPC API