CUI based Twitter client made with Golang
$ go get
$ cp $GOPATH/src/ ~/.env.toyotter
In macOS you can install it with Homebrew
$ brew tap ksk001100/toyotter
$ brew install toyotter
Please set up Twitter key to ~/.env.toyotter
$ toyotter tweet "Hello world" #=> Tweet "Hello world"
$ toyotter tw "Bye" #=> Tweet "Bye"
$ toyotter tweet "Hello world" --image image.jpg #=> Tweet image
$ toyotter tw "Hello" -img=image.jpg #=> Tweet image
$ toyotter tweet delete 34820348023 #=> Delete the 34820348023 tweet
$ toyotter tw d 34820348023 #=> Delete the 34820348023 tweet
$ toyotter tweet "Hi" --reply 34820348023 #=> Reply to tweet of 34820348023
$ toyotter tw "Bye" --reply 34820348023 #=> Reply to tweet of 34820348023
$ toyotter tweet "Quote tweet" --quote 34820348023 #=> Quoted tweet of 34820348023
$ toyotter tw "Quote tweet" -q 34820348023 #=> Quoted tweet of 34820348023
$ toyotter timeline #=> Get timeline(Get 5 by default)
$ toyotter timeline --count 30 #=> Get 30 timelines
$ toyotter tl -c=20 #=> Get 20 timelines
$ toyotter timeline --list 38594385458 #=> Get list timesline of 38594385458(Get 5 by default)
$ toyotter tl -li=38594385458 #=> Get list timesline of 38594385458(Get 5 by default)
$ toyotter tl --list=38594385458 --count 10 #=> Get 10 list timeline of 38594385458
$ toyotter search --user twitter #=> Get users including "twitter"(�Get 5 by default)
$ toyotter s --tweet twitter #=> Get users including "twitter"(�Get 5 by default)
$ toyotter s -u twitter --count 20 #=> Get 20 users including twitter
$ toyotter search -tw=twitter -c=30 #=> Get 30 users including twitter
$ toyotter retweet 34820348023 #=> Retweet tweet of ID 34820348023
$ toyotter rt 34820348023 #=> Retweet tweet of ID 34820348023
$ toyotter retweet 34820348023 --delete #=> UnRetweet tweet of ID 34820348023
$ toyotter rt 34820348023 -d #=> UnRetweet tweet of ID 34820348023
$ toyotter favorite 34820348023 #=> Favorite tweet of ID 34820348023
$ toyotter fav 34820348023 #=> Favorite tweet of ID 34820348023
$ toyotter favorite 34820348023 --delete #=> UnFavorite tweet of ID 34820348023
$ toyotter fav 34820348023 -d #=> UnFavorite tweet of ID 34820348023
$ toyotter follow TwitterJP #=> Follow @TwitterJP
$ toyotter flw TwitterJP #=> Follow @TwitterJP
$ toyotter follow TwitterJP --delete #=> UnFollow @TwitterJP
$ toyotter flw TwitterJP -d #=> UnFollow @TwitterJP
$ toyotter block TwitterJP #=> Block @TwitterJP
$ toyotter blk TwitterJP #=> Block @TwitterJP
$ toyotter block TwitterJP --delete #=> UnBlock @TwitterJP
$ toyotter blk TwitterJP -d #=> UnBlock @TwitterJP
$ toyotter block --list #=> Get block user list
Mention list
$ toyotter mention #=> Get mentions(Get 5 by default)
$ toyotter men #=> Get mentions(Get 5 by default)
$ toyotter mention --count 20 #=> Get 20 mentions
$ toyotter men -c 20 #=> Get 20 mentions
$ toyotter mute TwitterJP #=> Mute @TwitterJP
$ toyotter mu TwitterJP #=> Mute @TwitterJP
$ toyotter mute TwitterJP --delete #=> UnMute @TwitterJP
$ toyotter mu TwitterJP -d #=> UnMute @TwitterJP
$ toyotter list #=> Get lists
$ toyotter li #=> Get lists
$ toyotter --help #=> Overall help
$ toyotter -h #=> Overall help
$ toyotter timeline --help #=> Timeline command help
$ toyotter rt -h #=> Retweet command help