
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



> go get gitlab.com/kskitek/httpcmd
> httpcmd
  -port string
    http port (default "8080")
  -scriptPath string
    path to the script (default "UNDEFINED")

This exposes three endpoints:

  • /start - runns script asynchronously and returns id of the job
  • /startAndWait - runns the script and waits for it to end; returns job description
  • /status/{id} - returns job desciption


httpcmd saves standard output of the scripts into log files under {id}.log.

Example return job description:

    Started: "2018-02-10T00:41:30.3129+01:00",
    Ended: "2018-02-10T00:41:35.335633+01:00",
    IsRunning: false,
    ErrorString: "",
    Err: null

    Started: "2018-02-10T00:44:17.025755+01:00",
    Ended: "2018-02-10T00:44:22.06281+01:00",
    IsRunning: false,
    ErrorString: "exit status 127",
    Err: {
        Stderr: null