- Clone this repository from github to your local Linux machine (Tested with Ubuntu 20.02 and ROS Noetic)
- Run
catkin build
(or your normal catkin build procedure). You can also runbuild_ros.sh
- Source your catkin files with
source devel/setup.bash
- Everything should build correctly or it will post a message about a missing package.
- If you are missing a package, please apt install as normal with
sudo apt install ros-noetic-PAKCAGE-NAME-HERE
- To launch the simulation environment of Gazebo and the drone, please run:
- Once the Gazebo simulation window opens up, launch ORB-SLAM2
- Remember to source your catkin files again (
source devel/setup.bash
) - Run ORB-SLAM2 using
- The drone can be controlled using ROS messages to the topic of
- For example:
rostopic pub /firefly/command/pose geometry_msgs/PoseStamped "header: ... your message here (you can tab to complete the message)"
- The message format is a standard PoseStamped message with xyz position and quaternion xyzw orientation
- Camera feed from the drone is accessible at the topic
- The Pose output from ORB-SLAM2 is available at the topic of
- The simulation environment is independently available at: https://github.com/ethz-asl/rotors_simulator
- ORB-SLAM2 ROS package is available at: https://github.com/appliedAI-Initiative/orb_slam_2_ros