Things we understand**

  1. Sass
  2. python unit tests
  3. vim commands [2]
  4. oracle server setup [1]
  5. generate SSH keys [1]
  6. Python Print[1]
  7. Linux Directory listing[2]
  8. Docker Installation[1]
  9. Virtualization[1]
  10. Docker[2]
  11. Forking[1]
  12. Cloning[1]
  13. Kernel[1]
  14. Connect to cloud instance via ssh[1]
  15. Docker commands[1]

Things we don't understand

  1. docker containers and images [1]
  2. ci/cd [1]
  3. git flags [1]
  4. github ssh auth
  5. git pull [3]
  6. kibana
  7. Git Stash[1]
  8. Git status[1]
  9. Docker Compose Files[1]
  10. Traefik[1]
  11. File Structure[1]
  12. Github Flow[1]
  13. Collaboration[1]
  14. Advanced Vim shortcuts[1]
  15. Pulling updates from main repository[1] =======


Your list should look like this:

Things we understand**

  1. I learned how to add ssh key to github account and how to connect with local environment [1]
  2. I learned how to use docker to create web applications and how using images can be effective and useful.[3]
  3. I learned about how to ReactJS to build web applications.[1]
  4. Mobile Responsiveness [1]
  5. CI/CD [1]
  6. vim commands [1]
  7. oracle server setup [1]
  8. generate SSH keys [1]
  9. sass [1]
  10. python unit testing [1]

Things we don't understand

  1. How to use and implement vuejs [1]
  2. I don't know what teraform is or how to use it [1]
  3. I don't understand how to use git stash and how it temporarily gets rid of changes [1]
  4. User Authentication [1]
  5. MVC [1]
  6. Elastic Search [1]
  7. docker containers and images [1]
  8. ci/cd [1]
  9. git flags [1]
  10. github ssh auth [1]
  11. git pull [1]
  12. kibana [1]

Things we want to know next**

  1. I want to learn more about git commands so that I could just use the terminal quickly, github project management [2]
  2. I want to learn how to use vuejs instead of reactjs [3]
  3. I want to continue to learn about how to depoly webstite on godaddy using docker and oracle [1]
  4. NoSQL [1]
  5. Kubernetes [1]
  6. AWS [1]
  7. agile development methodology [1]
  8. webpack [1]
  9. playwright [1] =======
  10. Python Print[1]
  11. Linux Directory listing[2]
  12. Docker Installation[1]
  13. git status [1]
  14. git fetch [1]
  15. git checkout [1]
  16. I know how to make an ssh key and add it to GitHub. [1]
  17. GITHUB Issues [2]
  18. Create and name repositories in Github and in Docker.
  19. Connecting GitHub to pycharm [1]
  20. Using GitHub to share files [1]

Things we don't understand

  1. Git Stash[1]
  2. GIt pull[2]
  3. GIT status[1]
  4. Dockerhub [2]
  5. Undoing commits [1]
  6. git rebase [1]
  7. git commands [2]
  8. DevOps Engineer role [1]
  9. Certain Merge issues [1]
  10. Vi Commands[1]

Things we want to know next**

  1. Elastic Search Indexing [1]
  2. Cloud deployment with Kubernetes[2]
  3. Teraform[1]
  4. How to use Kubernetes and Docker together [1]
  5. How to properly use git rebase [1]
  6. How to deploy a webapp [1]
  7. Docker and its functions [1]
  8. I want to know how what we're learning will be used in web development [1]
  9. How to use Kubernetes [1]
  10. More python
  11. How to use AWS [1] =======

Our List:

Things we understand

  1. Basic BASH script commands (directory navigation, file creation, and text editing)[2]
  2. Running Docker Compose[1]
  3. Installing NPM[1]
  4. Oracle Cloud Instance set-up [1]
  5. Adding reverse proxy load balancer (Traefik) to VM with Docker configuration [1]

Things we don't understand

  1. Git Stash[1]
  2. Resolving merge conflicts with GitHub forks [2]
  3. Difference between Docker container and Docker repository[1]
  4. Web domain configuration [1]
  5. VM and Docker configuration customization [1]

Things we want to know next

  1. Host a website on Oracle Cloud from a GitHub repository [2]
  2. Increasing security on web server/web page[1]
  3. Customizing parameters of docker-compose files[1]
  4. Website content management [1]
  5. Responsive web page design and development [1]

Things we understand**

  1. Python Print[1]
  2. Linux Directory listing[2]
  3. Docker Installation[1]
  4. git status [1]
  5. git fetch [1]
  6. git checkout [1]
  7. I know how to make an ssh key and add it to GitHub. [1]
  8. GITHUB Issues [2]
  9. Create and name repositories in Github and in Docker.
  10. Connecting GitHub to pycharm [1]
  11. Using GitHub to share files [1]

Things we don't understand

  1. Git Stash[1]
  2. GIt pull[2]
  3. GIT status[1]
  4. Dockerhub [2]
  5. Undoing commits [1]
  6. git rebase [1]
  7. git commands [2]
  8. DevOps Engineer role [1]
  9. Certain Merge issues [1]
  10. Vi Commands[1]

Things we want to know next**

  1. Elastic Search Indexing [1]
  2. Cloud deployment with Kubernetes[2]
  3. Teraform[1]
  4. How to use Kubernetes and Docker together [1]
  5. How to properly use git rebase [1]
  6. How to deploy a webapp [1]
  7. Docker and its functions [1]
  8. I want to know how what we're learning will be used in web development [1]
  9. How to use Kubernetes [1]
  10. More python
  11. How to use AWS [1] =======
  12. Build docker image[3]
  13. Python Programming[3]
  14. Git commands[2]
  15. Merge Conflicts [2]
  16. Github [3]
  17. Docker [3]
  18. Learned about agile model and workflow [1]


Things we understand**


  1. I learned how Github works and know how to use it properly now. [4]
  2. I learned that Docker is used for sharing, building, and running modern applications.
  3. I learned to use Webstorm in IS117 and Pycharm in this class this semester.

Things we don't understand

  1. frameworks
  2. Debugging
  3. JavaScript
  4. What DevOps is and what's its use
  5. Tried to learn Java but failed to learn a lot as it's complicated.
  6. I don't understand what bootstrap is and didn't really understand it when professor went over it.

Things we want to know next**

  1. Frontend and Backend development
  2. Docker
  3. DevOps
  4. Teraform[1]
  5. I have heard of Wireframes but want to learn more about it.
  6. Want to learn more about Node.js
  7. Learn what jQuery is

things we understand

  1. Github pull requests [4]
  2. Docker [2]
  3. pycharm[1]
  4. Webstorm[2]

Things we don't understand

  1. kubernetes[1]
  2. Git stash[1]
  3. Bootstrap[2]
  4. DevOps[1]
  5. Java[1]
  6. frameworks[1]
  7. debugging[1]
  8. javascript[1]

Things we want to know next**

  1. JQuerry[2]

  2. Learn how to deploy a website[1]

  3. Learn How to create a wireframe[3]

  4. Node.js[1]

  5. Frontend and Backend development[1]

  6. Docker[1]

  7. DevOps[1]

  8. I learned how Github works and know how to use it properly now. [4]

  9. I learned that Docker is used for sharing, building, and running modern applications.

  10. I learned to use Webstorm in IS117 and Pycharm in this class this semester.

Things we don't understand

  1. frameworks
  2. Debugging
  3. JavaScript
  4. What DevOps is and what's its use
  5. Tried to learn Java but failed to learn a lot as it's complicated.
  6. I don't understand what bootstrap is and didn't really understand it when professor went over it.

Things we want to know next**

  1. Frontend and Backend development
  2. Docker
  3. DevOps
  4. Teraform[1]
  5. I have heard of Wireframes but want to learn more about it.
  6. Want to learn more about Node.js
  7. Learn what jQuery is


  1. basics of python[1]
  2. docker in professional setting[1]
  3. github[1]
  4. branches[3]
  5. requests[1]
  6. git merge[1]
  7. resolve merge conflicts[1]
  8. git merge[3]

Things we don't understand

  1. docker[4]
  2. python[2]
  3. jobs using docker[1]
  4. merge conflicts[1]
  5. commands in docker[2]
  6. docker commands[2]

Things we want to know next**

  1. Advanced docker[1]
  2. How jobs look at github[2]
  3. Be a web developer[1]
  4. Terminal[1]
  5. essential repositories[1]
  6. python[3]
  7. security[2]
  8. personal github[1] =======

Things we understand**

  1. git merge[3]
  2. create branches[3]
  3. resolve merge conflicts[1]
  4. python basics[1]
  5. professional docker use[1]
  6. github[1]
  7. pull requests and pull conflicts[1]
  8. merge conflicts[1]

Things we don't understand

  1. docker commands[2]
  2. terminal commands[2]
  3. docker[4]
  4. python[2]
  5. jobs that use docker[1]
  6. resolve merge conflicts[1]

Things we want to know next**

  1. python[3]
  2. general security[2]
  3. advantages to help get a better internship/job[2]
  4. advanced docker use[1]
  5. what jobs will check personal github[1]
  6. how to become a web developer[1]
  7. proper terminal use[1]
  8. repositories for resume[1]

Things we don't understand

  1. Cloud deployment with Kubernetes[3]

  2. Docker commands[3]

  3. Elastic Search Indexing[2]

  4. Hibernate ORM [2]

  5. Python automation [2]

  6. How do we write the testing codes [1]

  7. Directory structure [1]

  8. Github Actions [1]

  9. How does Web development Integration works [1]

Things we want to know next**

  1. Flask Framework[3]
  2. Microsoft Azure[3]
  3. Teraform[3]
  4. Advance terminal command [2]
  5. Chef : configuration management [2]
  6. How to work with cloud [1]
  7. How to Host and continuously deploy code [1]
  8. Different framework [1] =======
  9. Docker commands[4]
  10. Elastic Search Indexing[2]
  11. Hibernate ORM [2]
  12. Python automation [2]
  13. How do we write the testing codes[2]
  14. Directory structure[1]
  15. Github Actions [2]
  16. How does Web development Integration works[2]
  17. Github in detail
  18. How does docker work

Things we don't understand

  1. Multi-thread programming [1]
  2. PostgreSQL[1]
  3. Docker full web-application development[1]
  4. Ssh Configuration.
  5. Traefik Integration
  6. Had issues with earlier webclass integration.
  7. Docker / Kubernetes[1]
  8. MongoDB
  9. NodeJS

Things we want to know next**

  1. ReactJS [2]
  2. Node.js
  3. Daemons
  4. Kubernetes
  5. Vue JS[4]
  6. Flask
  7. AWS
  8. How to better work as a PM or as a subordinate [1]
  9. Use Python program to write Hello World [1]
  10. How Dockerhub pushes or uses resources against repos in scalable way [1]
  11. How to deploy a web app with a database on the cloud [1]
  12. Cloud deployment with Kubernetes[3]
  13. Teraform Usage[3]
  14. Elastic Search Indexing[3]
  15. Security within our Github and Docker workflow[1]
  16. Linux Directory Listings[1] =======

Things we want to know next**

  1. Flask Framework[4]
  2. Microsoft Azure[3]
  3. Teraform[3]
  4. Advance terminal command [2]
  5. Chef : configuration management [2]
  6. How to work with cloud [4]
  7. How to Host and continuously deploy code [2]


Your list should look like this:

Things we understand**

  1. We know how to make SSH key in the macbook, add it to the Github, GitHub Repository, Git Pull, Merge Conflict, Git Status and Git fetch[3]
  2. I learned GitHub Issues and creating Branch[3]
  3. I learned GitHub Milestones, Labels and how to use them[1]
  4. Docker Installation [2]

Things we don't understand

  1. Git Stash - what is it? [3]
  2. Git Rebase - what is it? [3]
  3. GIT Actions - Complete Workflow [2]
  4. Docker Images [2]

Things we want to know next**

  1. Teraform [2]
  2. Cloud deployment with Kubernetes [2]
  3. Elastic Search Indexing - What is it? [2]
  4. SQL [2]
  5. Javascript Frameworks [3]
  6. Debugging [1]
  7. How to make website[1]

Things we don't understand

  1. Multi-thread programming [1]
  2. PostgreSQL[1]
  3. Docker full web-application development[1]
  4. Ssh Configuration.
  5. Traefik Integration
  6. Had issues with earlier webclass integration.
  7. Docker / Kubernetes[1]
  8. MongoDB
  9. NodeJS

Things we want to know next**

  1. ReactJS [2]

  2. Node.js

  3. Daemons

  4. Kubernetes

  5. Vue JS[4]

  6. Flask

  7. AWS

  8. How to better work as a PM or as a subordinate [1]

  9. Use Python program to write Hello World [1]

  10. How Dockerhub pushes or uses resources against repos in scalable way [1]

  11. How to deploy a web app with a database on the cloud [1]

  12. Cloud deployment with Kubernetes[3]

  13. Teraform Usage[3]

  14. Elastic Search Indexing[3]

  15. Security within our Github and Docker workflow[1]

  16. Linux Directory Listings[1]




Things I Don't Understand

  • This assignment's instructions
  • How to use CI with docker
  • How to resolve merge conflicts

Things I learned

  • Spinning up Docker containers via CLI
  • How to make GitHub PRs
  • How to use Docker Hub

Things I want to know

  • Kubernetes
  • How to make custom Docker images
  • How to deploy a website using CI

Things we want to know next**

  1. playwright testing
  2. vue.js framework [5]
  3. github project management
  4. agile development methodology [1]
  5. webpack [1]
  6. containerization [1]
  7. Cloud deployment with Kubernetes[4]
  8. Teraform[2]
  9. Vim[2]
  10. Lean[2]
  11. Elastic Search Indexing [1]
  12. File Structure[1]
  13. Github Flow[1]
  14. Collaboration[1]
  15. Deploy to other cloud platforms[1]
  16. RESTful API[1]
  17. Javascript Project Configuration[1]