
Setup a custom Linux Debian VirtualBox VM for Vagrant

Primary LanguageShell

Setup a custom Linux Debian VirtualBox VM for Vagrant

It is a simple Bash script that i use to prepare a VirtualBox VM with Linux Debian to be packaged with Vagrant.

Vagrant box package prepare script


Log in from Virtualbox as root (NOT SSH !) and run "prepare" task.

Then enter single user runlevel and run "zerofree" task.

Usage: vagrant-prepare-package.sh [OPTIONS] <TASK>

   prepare    prepare the VM to be packaged with Vagrant
   zerofree   mount fs as read only and fills unallocated blocks with zeroes

   --delete         self-delete this script at end
   --remove-cache   delete /var/cache folder content
   --remove-doc     delete /usr/share/doc folder content
   --remove-x11     remove libx11-6 package before install VirtualBox Guest Additions
   --setup-locale   configure locale with fr_FR.UTF-8 as default language

"prepare" task

  • update APT packages
  • add new user and group (password-less, default is vagrant)
  • configure new user in sudoers file (remove sudo password prompt)
  • install Vagrant "insecure" public/private keypair
  • install latest VirtualBox Guest Additions (version can be lock with VBOX_GA env variable)
  • configure GRUB to 1 second timeout (making VM boot faster)
  • remove some useless files (see script source for more details)
  • disable DNS lookup in SSH server configuration

"zerofree" task

  • mount boot file-system as read only & perform zero free blocks (making the disk more easily compressible)

Virtualbox guest additions upgrade script

The upgrade-vbox-ga.sh script upgrade Virtualbox guest additions to latest version.

This script must be run from VM as root user.