
Calculator of the German net tax

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A library to calculate German wage tax and solidarity charges.

Getting Started

Install using Yarn:

yarn add lohnsteuer

Alternatively, install using NPM:

npm install --save lohnsteuer

Note: This package comes with TypeScript typings included.

Example usage with TypeScript:

import { Bundesland, Input, Output, calculate } from 'lohnsteuer'

const input: Input = {
  // Year to calculate the tax for, 2014-2019 currently supported
  year: 2019,
  // The state (Bundesland) you calculate for
  state: Bundesland.HAMBURG,
  // The tax class (see https://www.sachsen.de/en/1451.htm)
  taxClass: 1,
  // Whether you have to pay the church tax
  churchTax: true,
  // The year you were born in
  yearOfBirth: 1990,
  // The health insurance add on your provider wants
  healthInsuranceAddOn: 0.9,
  // The gross year salary in euro cents, for € 35,000 this is:
  grossSalary: 35_000_00,

const output: Output = calculate(input)

The output contains the following fields, all of them are of type number and given in euro cents:

Property Description
grossSalary Gross month salary.
salaryTax Salary tax (Lohnsteuer) per month.
churchTax Church tax (Kirchensteuer) per month.
solidarityTax Solidarity tax (Solidaritätszuschlag) per month.
wageTax The complete wage tax, salary + church + solidarity tax.
healthInsurance Health insurance (Krankenversicherung) per month.
pensionInsurance Pension insurance (Rentenversicherung) per month.
unemploymentInsurance Unemployment insurance (Arbeitslosenversicherung) per month.
careInsurance Care insurance (Pflegeversicherung) per month.
socialCharges Sum of all social charges above: HI + PI + UI + CI.
netSalary The remaining net salary.

Features and Todos

  • Support basic wage tax calculation
  • Calculate social charge
  • Support special situation of Saxony
  • Support for children
  • Support for tax-free allowance
  • Support private insurances
  • Support care insurance without add on


This software is licensed under the MIT license.