
Parses SVG paths to a consumable object and JSON

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Parses SVG paths to a consumable object and JSON


Use NPM to install it into your project:

npm install --save svg-parse



Use the exported parse function to parse an SVG path to JSON:

const { parse } = require('svg-parse');

const path = parse('M10 20 L20 20 h10 Z');

The result will be:

[ { type: 'moveTo', props: { relative: false, x: 10, y: 20 } },
  { type: 'lineTo', props: { relative: false, x: 20, y: 20 } },
  { type: 'horizontal', props: { relative: true, x: 10 } },
  { type: 'close', props: null } ]


You can also generalize SVG paths to restrict them to moveTo, lineTo, curveTo, and arc commands, which are easier to draw:

const { parse } = require('svg-parse');

const path = parse('M10 20 L20 20 h10 Z', { generalize: true });

The result will be:

[ { type: 'moveTo', props: { relative: false, x: 10, y: 20 } },
  { type: 'lineTo', props: { relative: false, x: 20, y: 20 } },
  // Compare with result above!
  { type: 'lineTo', props: { relative: true, x: 10, y: 0 } },
  { type: 'close', props: null } ]


Please take a look at changes in the CHANGELOG.md.