
A demonstration of one way to create a multi-scene JavaFX app using FXML files

Primary LanguageJava


javafx-multi-scene-fxml is a demonstration how you can use one stage and many scenes when building a JavaFX application using FXML files. The graphics are very simple, as the point of the demo is how to move from one to the other.


javafx-multi-scene-fxml uses a static Map in SceneFxmlApp with FxmlInfo as the value and the SceneName as the key. SceneName is an Enum with the name of each Scene. FxmlInfo is a class that holds all the data needed to load an FXML file into a Scene and holds that Scene once it's loaded.

Scenes are loaded lazily, that is, only when needed. A Scene is built the first, then all subsequent calls load the built Scene.

The Stage is injected from SceneFxmlApp into each View and from there into each controller. This combination of FxmlInfo Map and Stage provides all the control needed for each Scene.


javafx-multi-scene-fxml runs on Java 11 or above. If you want to run on a version of Java lower that 11, checkout the pre-javafx-11 branch (However, this branch is beginning to diverge).


Launch javafx-multi-scene-fxml with Maven:

mvn clean compile exec:java

Launching from an IDE can be tricky. You will have to add the VM arguments

--module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml

to SceneFxmlAppLauncher or launch SceneFxmlApp directly. See Getting Started with JavaFX.

What to notice

When the application launches, you are see the main view, with buttons for three separate scenes and a close button. Press a scene button and you will go to one of three different scenes. Each scene also has a close button, which is possible because the stage from SceneFxmlApp is injected into each. On the console you can see that each scene is loaded only once and only when needed.

Bugs, improvements

Fork the repository and submit a pull request, or email knute (at) snortum (dot) net.

See Also

Multi-scene demo without FXML files.