
Primer for Mandrill plug-in

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Mandrill is a data visualization plug-in for Dynamo that uses the power of D3.js to create beautiful and interactive charts. This project would not be possible without Mike Bostock's commitment to bringing us the best data visualization library currently on the market, D3.js. Huge thank you to Mike and his commitment to making data prettier.

Also, I have to thank people that got me started on this project, and in some smaller or larger way have helped me create it. Adam Sheather for our initial conversations and name brainstorming sessions. David Mans, for advice on some initial behavior and functionality. Ian Keough for creating Dynamo and then helping me out with the sample files to get me started. Michael Kirschner for loads of patience when I had all these noob questions while I was working on this. Mostapha for always being a great mentor to me.

You can download this content as a PDF or EPUB book from the following location: Mandrill Primer

Current Support is for Dynamo 1.2. Available charts are as follows:

  1. Bar Chart
  2. Area Chart
  3. Line Chart
  4. Stacked Bar Chart
  5. Grouped Bar Chart
  6. Donut Chart
  7. Scatter Plot
  8. Parallel Coordinates
  9. Horizontal Bar Chart
  10. Normalized Stacked Bar Chart
  11. Scatter Plot Matrix
  12. Scatter Plot

Also currently supported modes of viewing the charts are via:

  1. Additional Window using Chrome Browser.
  2. Export to PDF.

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