
Speller.Speller Node

ericenagel opened this issue · 3 comments

I am receiving the following error while attempting to run a script that contains the Speller.Speller node. This is being preforming in Revit 2020.2 with Dynamo version 2.3. I currently have installed the latest version of the Archi-Lab.net package (2021.25.2621). Also, note that I am using the .dic and .aff files that are linked from the 'Spell Checking w/ Dynamo' posting.

"Warning: Speller..ctor operation failed. The type initializer for 'WeCantSpell.Hunspell.AffixReader' threw an exception."

Interestingly, I have tested this same node in Revit 2021.1.2 / Dynamo 2.6 with the Archi-Lab.net package (2021.25.21) installed. Here, the script works as expected...no errors.

Can you please help me figure out what is going on? Thank you!

@ericenagel this should have been resolved in version 2022.210.1320. Please download that for Revit 2020 and let me know if there still an issue.

Ps. Please consider supporting archi-lab.net at: https://www.patreon.com/archilab

Just uploaded new version that will have the System.Buffers that was missing. 2022.210.1420