Installing the project

Using docker and docker-compose

$ docker-compose build web # builds the container according to the Dockerfile
$ docker-compose run web bin/setup # executes a script that install missing ruby dependencies and prepares the database

Without docker

  • macOS users should install and use homebrew
  • You will need a working rbenv installation, follow its readme for instructions and shell integration
  • You will need sqlite to be available for your system. macOS users should have it by default. For linux based OS, it may vary. To install is on debian/ubuntu: apt-get install -y sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

There should be no other system dependencies for running this projects. Once those are installed:

  • $ bin/setup # executes a script that install missing ruby dependencies and prepares the database

Starting the project

Using docker and docker-compose: $ docker-compose up

Without docker: $ bin/rails s

In both cases, opening localhost:4048 in your browser should display the rails default page, with

Running a rails or rake command

Using docker and docker-compose: $ docker-compose run web bin/rails <command>

Without docker: $ bin/rails <command>

bin/rails can invoke rake commands as well.