Scratching my own itches on http://parrotsec.org http://kali.org http://sf.net/p/customwheezy7

Primary LanguagePython

attackVector.org (64-bit only)


sudo apt-get install git
git clone git://github.com/thomhastings/bt5-scripts.git bt5
git clone git://github.com/thomhastings/os-scripts.git oss
git clone git://github.com/thomhastings/rice.git rwn
git clone git://github.com/thomhastings/c0ntempt.git con
git clone git://github.com/thomhastings/dotfiles.git .dot
cd .dot
sh install.sh



Included is a set of scripts written for BackTrack 5r3, though they will likely work on other versions.

All scripts are © Thom Hastings 2011-2013 New BSD license.

Here is each script and a short description:


This script installs Guake and Tilda, runs these other scripts:
downloads a handful of wallpapers, runs
and starts a BackTrack update script.


This script follows commands easily found on-line to get the RTL8187 driver working (Alfa AWUS036H)


This script installs my favourite media player, installs my favourite skins for said player, and creates a shortcut to my favourite stream


This script grabs the BackTrack 5 GPG key and then adds the BackTrack 5 repositories to your /etc/apt/sources.list for non-BT distributions. WARNING: According to Offensive-Security, this can BREAK your non-BackTrack install. BE FOREWARNED


This script downloads and installs a .deb for SRware Iron browser. I am still trying to include in the script modifying the binary so that it can be run as root. :-(


This script downloads and begins the first run of Dropbox


This script installs the figlet ASCII Art text generator and downloads .flf figlet fonts from textfiles.com


Creates the dir /pentest/scripts and downloads Bl4ck5w4n's BT5r3-compatible update script¹ as well as phillips321's set of pentest scripts², Snafu's pentest, wireless, & ISO master ones³, DotDotPwn directory traversal fuzzer, OWASP's Offensive (Web) Testing Framework, Alexander Hanel's extflow.py for analyzing TCP, the PenTBox tool, Gentil Kiwi's mimikatz, scripts from g0tmi1k including fakeap-pwn¹⁰, lnxg33k's webhandler¹¹, Mallory MitM proxy¹², Martin Bosslet's hash-flooding DoS tool schadcode¹³, pentestgeek's jigsaw¹⁴, nessus and nmap scripts¹⁵, Joshua Begleiter's directory traversing cgi-scanner.py¹⁶, the "tool for network enumeration and domination" Omphalos¹⁷, a few tools for pentesting SCADA ICS¹⁸, and Recon-ng¹⁹


This script installs and configures both Tor and Privoxy and installs torsocks for the usewithtor command


This script gets reusable.py²⁰ for people who use the same pass for different sites, TAPE's wordlist-manipulator²¹, grabs couple of good wordlists and then checks out the SVN repository for InfoSec Daily's wordlists²² while wgetting every wordlist from SkullSecurity.org²³ WARNING: This is massive, and will not fit on your HDD without a dedicated BackTrack install!


This script does customizations of GRUB and BootSplash and sets your wallpaper to the Hacker Manifesto. :-)


I found this script on BT forums it starts Armitage Teamserver.