This is set of lessons which will teach you numpy and pandas basics. The aim of the course is to prepare you to visualize the data.
In the beginning, it was created for teaching "Data Visualization Course" at Department of Computer Science of University of Warmia and Mauzury but with time more people start to use it for self-learning. I have also used it for workshops and other courses. Then I have decided to improve it and share. The process of improving is constant so if you want to contribute do not hesitate
- python 3 syntax: list, loops, functions
- linear algebra fundamentals: vectos, matrix, matrix arithmetic (addition, multiplication)
Some numpy examples was inspired and taken from Some pandas examples was takent from 10 minuts to pandas
- how to create numpy arrays
- how to create numpy 2d and 3 arrays
- how should I understand the 3d array indexes
- reshaping and slicing 3d arrays
- how to create dataframe
- different ways to create dataframe
Preferable OS: ubuntu 18.04
- install python 3.7 (you can use pyenv)
- install pipenv
mkdir Projects
cd Projects
git clone
pipenv install
- - NumPy/SciPy-compatible Array Library for GPU-accelerated Computing with Python
- - Dask makes it easy to scale the Python libraries that you know and love like NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learn