
Keycloak theme for Easy

Primary LanguageCSS

Themes are used to configure the look and feel of login pages and the account management console. It is not recommended to modify the existing built-in themes, instead you should create a new theme that extends a built-in theme. See the theme section in the documentation for more details.

Migration guide for themes (for future reference)

Generalized updating:

  1. Keep custom theme folder such as lahendus and delete other KeyCloak installation default (e.g. base, keycloak and keycloak.v2) folders.
  2. Download new KeyCloak version and extract themes folder.
  3. Add content of extracted themes folder into this repository (keep the structure).
  4. Compare contents of the added folders with the contents of lahendus (and other custom themes). Specifically compare account with account, email with email and login with login.
  5. Do not git commit before finishing migration.

More specific updating instructions:

  • Usually need to compare lahendus contents with base or keycloak.
  • Since everything is version controlled, find changed files and lines in base or keycloak and find out if these changes also need to be carried under lahendus. You should only check files that also exist under lahendus.
  • Usually, it is optimal only to edit/add translations that are actually used for message translations. Sometimes there might be also new key-value pairs that are not used in our custom theme. Run the KeyCloak and check if any part of the UI is only in English (not Estonian) after migration.
  • Usually have to migrate existing templates files under lahendus. Now the custom edits should* be commented everywhere. Therefore, you could replace template file content directly from base and/or keycloak, inspect differences and reject changes with custom comments and accept everything else. * Sometimes maybe the developer has forgotten to comment custom edits... Migrate with care...
  • theme.properties and .css are the most time-consuming to migrate. Both of the types are dependent on the templates.
  • For theme.properties, check if CSS references are changed: are there any new references in the base or keycloak version? Note that if custom theme has custom CSS reference, then that is also considered a difference. Keep the custom reference. It is also possible that template has edited such that it reads a custom property from theme.properties such as stylesExternal in lahendus/theme.properties.
  • For theme.properties, check if there are any new relevant key-value property pairs? For example, version 15 introduced defining .css class names for specific UI elements, and it was required to add it for proper rendering.
  • Finally, for custom CSS such as lahendus/login/resources/css/easy-login.css check if base or keycloak default CSS such as keycloak/login/resources/css/login.css do not have any changes in existing class names. If there is, you might also need to edit these class names in custom CSS. Sometimes class names are refactored and then the old become obsolete, e.g. they have no effect.

Useful tips

  • IntelliJ code formatting can make file comparing easier.
  • IntelliJ version control via git can also make comparing differences easier.
  • Please comment custom edits, otherwise it is really difficult to migrate in the future as it is very difficult to distinguish KeyCloak update and custom edit.
  • Similar guide for updating KeyCloak itself can be seen here.