- Github pages for a user are deployed under the repository [username].github.io under the master branch.
- Therefore to avoid polluting the development branch with unnecessary files (compiled css and js) the master has been orphaned and all necessary changes are manually pulled from the dev branch
- Releases will be tagged
- Almost all code (js, sass) could use some review
- Replace Foundation with Foundation for Apps to remove unmaintained Angular Foundation dependency
- Testing in process
- Folder structure improved but should still consults best practices for more hints
- Add Browser-sync
- Replace jshint with eslint
- Consider putting name into logo
- Consider animating logo
- Content
- Rewrite to sound more professional
Code Quality
- Possibly refactor skill/icon code
- Move gradients to CSS (?) - not possible SVGs are only compatible with <linearGradient>s
- Generate SVG meters dynamically (?)
- Consider removing gradients and SVGs entirely for pseudo elements and solid color
Functionality (Pending refactoring)
- Refactor for mobile
- Animated skill meters
- Tooltip for skills
- Rewrite for clarity and strength of points
Code Quality
- Consider implementing modal and slider independently to reduce dependencies
- If keeping dependencies consider using angular-slick
- Tooltip for skills
- Consider pie chart for skill usage (would probably require redesign)
- Not implemented secondary to showing experience
Get Karma in there
- Important but can wait
- Consider creating a icon typeset to reduce network traffic
- Currently deployment is too complex, need build script before development continues, current process looks something like this:
- git checkout master
- git checkout dev .
- mv src/app .
- git reset
- jspm bundle-sfx --minify main/app - create self executing bundle with all dependencies minified
- git add -u - add any files that have been changed
- Manually git add any new files
- Manually diff index.html
- python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 - to test
- git push to deploy
- git tag [vX.X] -af [ref] - use annotated tag, force to update version
Finding reference [F3] on directives only works with directives are set to
restrict:"A,E, and/or C"
and cannot resolve import chains- Therefore in src/main.js the <skills> and <experience> directive cannot be resolved
There is a bug when using intellij to run karma with the karma-jspm adapter, new changes do not get picked up and karma continues to use the cached version, see this bug report there are 2 simple fixes
- Run karma from the command line via node_modules.bin\karma start
- Run karma as a Node process from intellij however this seems to causes the test to execute 3 times